Chapter 6 - Hell Home

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(A/N: Good to be back! Enjoy!)

Dae-eun felt the cold sting of the pavement as she was thrown out by the guard.
She and her fellow Players were gassed, restrained and blindfolded before they were driven back from wherever the facility had been.
She had been tossed out with two other Players that she knew of, two extra thuds besides her own hitting the floor, along with the crinkle of 3 plastic bags, likely containing their stuff.

"Help! Hello?!" She knew Gi-hun's voice immediately as he started wailing the moment the van's motor went out of earshot.
"Shut up, Gi-hun. You're not the only one here." She growled at him as she flipped herself over and managed to get her wrists in front of her rather than behind.
"You're here too, Pink Streak?"

"67. Lovely to hear you too." She stated as she fiddled with the ropes around her ankles before they came loose.
She used her teeth on the ones binding her wrists before managing to get up, ripping the blindfold off her face.
She had been stripped of her teal tracksuit and instead reduced to a bra and some underwear.

The same went for the other two, though Gi-hun was a guy so he didn't have a bra.
"If you're done getting untied, do me a favour and help me." 67 asked.
Dae-eun turned to her and bent down, managing to undo the binds around her wrists.

67 did the rest herself, ripping her blindfold off to see Dae-eun looting her own bag and getting dressed.
"67. That one's yours."
She threw the black bag into her arms before glancing at Gi-hun, who was still rolling around like a fish out of water.

As Dae-eun finished buttoning up her shirt, she walked over to Gi-hun and ripped the blindfold off.
"Ah!" He squealed as the light from the lampposts hit his eyes. "Dae-eun? And-" He glanced to Player 67. "You're the pickpocket- the thief!"
"Mhm." Was all she said and she stood up and shrugged on her jacket.

"Come on! Untie me! It's my turn now!"
Dae-eun clicked her tongue in thought, looking up to 67 with a questioning look.
67 met her gaze then turned back to the half-naked man.

"Why's that?" She asked.

Dae-eun stifled her laughter at Gi-hun's face of disbelief.
"If we untie you, you're just gonna hassle her for that cash again. Right?" She asked.
"Of course, I'm gonna hassle you!"

Dae-eun looked off in no place in particular with half-lidded eyes.
The fact he admits it is astounding
"Hey, I managed to get myself untied, I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Dae-eun ruffled his hair like he was a dog before beginning to make her way down the street.
She heard 67's footsteps shortly behind her.
"No! Please! Forget the money, ok?" He pleaded.

Dae-eun stopped and turned back to 67, who turned back to Gi-hun.
"For real?" She asked.
The guy nodded aggressively.

"Yeah. I swear I'll forget the whole thing."
67 looked at Dae-eun with a face that said 'can you believe this'.
The pink-streak-haired girl pursed her lips together and side-eyed Gi-hun.

"Aaaand...why should we think your word meets squat?" She asked.
"I swear it own mother, okay? Pretty please." He said, falling back to the ground and shivering.
67 turned back to Dae-eun again and the girl gave her a sarcastic expression.

"What, are you waiting for permission? Help him."
67 rolled her eyes before stepping over, flicking out a pocket knife, and swiftly cutting away the binds on his wrists.
And only his wrists.

The second his hands were free, he got up, hopping around like some sort of possessed pogo-stick.
"My money, give it back! Give it back now." He mumbled as 67 was easily able to avoid him by slightly walking backwards.
Gi-hun fell over, expectedly, and slumped on the floor.

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