Chapter 23 - Risk It All

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Gi-hun turned around.
"I- I wanna end here." He said.
Dae-eun stopped where she was, her white hair framed her face in darkness.

"What?" She asked, eying him with dead eyes.
He looked towards Sae-byeok where she lay on the floor, her wound had reopened and she was bleeding again.
"If we quit now they might live, and we can all get out of here." Gi-hun insisted, limping towards the white-haired girl.

Dae-eun turned around to the manager, who stood with his pistol cocked to Sang-woo's head.
"If we win the game without killing the other Team. What happens to them?" She asked.
The manager paused for a moment.

"The losing team will be eliminated."
Dae-eun pondered, turning back to Gi-hun, who now stood right in front of her. "Dae-eun, please. Let's just go home."
The girl turned to Sae-byeok where she lay on the ground, then to Sang-woo.

Both heavily injured.
We've basically won by default, we just have to tap the squid's head.
But Gi-hun wants to stop this- and for what? So they might live?

Dae-eun turned her gaze up to the black box ensconced in the wall, likely where either the control room or the VIPs were.
She narrowed her eyes.

(Hawk VIP POV)

"Wait can- can she see us?" Lion asked.
"She shouldn't be able to, nor should she even know that we're watching the game." The Front Man stated.
"What's she doing?" Buffalo asked.

225 slid out a knife from her pocket, her white hair obscuring her face.
Hawk watched as Dae-eun turned back to the manager, then nodded.
The manager reached his walkie-talkies up to his face.

"Player 456 and 225 want to stop the game."
"They're- they're giving up the prize money... right...right here at the very edge of victory?" Lion growled.
"No fucking way." Buffalo agreed.

"I don't think so." Hawk broke in.
"What?" Lion and Buffalo spoke at the same time.
Hawk pointed down at Dae-eun and the other VIPs gasped.


(Dae-eun POV)

I'm sorry, Sae-byeok. But I'll keep my promise to you.
"I revoke my vote to end the game." Dae-eun announced.
The manager and Gi-hun only had enough time to ponder her words before what she did next.

Flicking the knife so she held it blade-up, she tossed the steak knife as if it were a throwing knife.
The knife stuck itself into Sae-byeok's abdomen, and a few moments later, she stopped moving.
Gi-hun screamed in horror and ran to her body, cradling her gently.

"What the hell-?! Dae-eun, why?!" Gi-hun shouted, his hands stained in Sae-byeok's blood.
Dae-eun gave him a dead expression, then turned towards Sang-woo, making her way over.
Gi-hun scrambled up, gripping the girl by the shoulders to try and stop her.

She slipped through his rain-soaked grip, sliding out between him and Sang-woo.
"I did not come all this way so you could flake out at the last second!" She screamed. "If I'm leaving, it's either with the money and you, or with just the money."
She flicked out the other knife. "Have I made myself perfectly clear?!"

Gi-hun simply gave her a look of disappointment.
Dae-eun returned the look and dropped the knife by Sang-woo, then turned to walk past Gi-hun.
"Now where are you going?" He asked.

"To win." She said gruffly over her shoulder.
Gi-hun turned around. "Sang-woo, come on, we can still go- Sang-woo?" He choked.
Sang-woo held the knife Dae-eun had dropped.

"Gi-hun." He gasped, spitting blood from his bleeding lips. "I'm...sorry."
He plunged the knife into his own neck, gargling and gagging as blood filled his throat.
Gi-hun held Sang-woo as he passed away, tears mingling with raindrops on his face.

He wailed as blood soaked the ground around them.
Nearby, Dae-eun stood with her head lowered and her wet white hair plastered to her face.
She stood inside of the squid's head.

The manager nodded to her.
He lifted his walkie-talkie back up to his face.
"Players 225 and 456 have won the game."

(Hawk VIP POV)

"And Hawk's bet takes it home!" Buffalo shouted.
The VIPs were in applause as the Front Man stood silently.
"What a game! What a performance!" Lion agreed.

Hawk smiled beneath his mask, nodding his head as he clapped.
And so the girl with white hair prevails.
Joint winners.

That's a first.

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