Chapter 15 - Man Of God

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Dae-eun looked around in confusion as the rest of her team got up, locking eyes with some of them.
First Sang-woo, then Gi-hun, then Sae-byeok and so on.
She heard the clang of the main door and looked to see soldiers walking in, followed by managers.

"All Players. Please make your way to the centre of the room. I repeat, all Players please make your way to the centre of the room."

The soldiers approached their barricade, one lifting a bed frame away while the others walked in, guns raised.
"Hey, move it." One masked man stated.
Dae-eun glanced at Gi-hun before being one of the first to start making her way down.

She heard footsteps behind her as the team followed, swerving past the guards to make her way out into the main expanse of the room, to which the sirens stopped.
The group were told to stand in lines, to which they complied, though Dae-eun noticed Gi-hun and 001 take a bit longer to emerge from the barricade.
When they did, she noticed a dark stain on 001 crotch.

She grimaced slightly.
Ew... did he piss himself?
The managers walked down the line, pausing at each Player, as if inspecting them.

When the manager on her line arrived at Dae-eun, he regarded her by looking her up and down before moving on.
Quickest inspection ever. What are they even looking for?
Dae-eun began speculating in silence as the room moved around her.

She did see that Gi-hun tied his jacket around 001's waist, to hide his crotch stain.
And once again, she was surprised at Gi-hun's selfless nature, even despite the fact they were participating in death games.
As she pondered this, she heard the speakers begin playing the classical game music.

"Attention. The fourth game is about to begin. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall. Let me repeat the instructions. The fourth game is about to begin. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall."

Dae-eun watched as 101's gang was lead through the side door first, followed by the next group, and then theirs.
The young girl pondered the game that she and Jin-sun had logically deduced in the bathroom last night while they began the trek.
Although they didn't get far because the procession paused.

Prompted by the Players in front of her, she made the mistake of looking up.
Her heart rate doubled in the space of a few milliseconds.
And all notions of her previous train of thought were derailed and evaporated due to what she beheld.

Some kind of metal apparatus hung from the ceiling, displaying what was attached like clothing hangars.
Corpses, more accurately.

Four of them staff, one a Player, 111, a number Dae-eun recognised as being the first to finish in Honeycomb.
He must've had some kind of ties to these staff.
The staff members strung up were as follows:

Two soldiers (one wearing a plastic, bloodied apron and accompanying gloves).
A manager.
And a single worker.

"Players." The manager leading them began. "What you witness before you is what remains of those who broke the rules for their own benefit. They tainted the pure and fair ideology everything here had been built upon. Each and every one of you is considered an equal within the walls of this facility. You must be guaranteed the same opportunities without being disadvantaged or facing any kind of discrimination. We truly apologise for allowing such an unacceptable incident to occur."

Dae-eun observed 111's body as having many bullet holes through it, likely being because he was killed by a machine gun.
Though the deaths of the masked men were more mysterious.
None of them bore any significant wounds, and the blood on the soldier's apron and gloves couldn't be his own.

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