Chapter 7 - Back Into The Maelstrom

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The second time waking up was far less daunting than the first.

Dae-eun opened her eyes slowly and sat up in her bunk bed.
She was dressed in her tracksuit again, which (thankfully) had been washed clean of blood.
Once again, she was Player 225.

She climbed down the ladder from her bed and shoved her hands in her pockets, making her way out to the open space in the dormitory.
She looked up and around, breathing in and out with a sigh.
She couldn't find it within herself to feel ashamed when she thought: It's good to be back

She turned around and saw Gi-hun speaking to Player 001, the old man she had matched strides with during Red Light, Green Light.
Dae-eun decided it would probably be worth going and talk to him.
She walked over casually, though her sneakers squeaked slightly on the floor, causing 456 to look up.

"Hey! Dae-eun! You came back!" He greeted almost happily.
"It's better in here than out there, right?" 456 was about to respond before she waved her hand. "Don't answer that, how've you been?"
"Good, good. Just catching up with my friend here." He gestured to the old man. "Hello, sir." The young girl nodded to him.

"Hello!" He greeted pleasantly. "Are you a friend of 456's?"
225 paused at the question, then looked up at Gi-hun quizzically. The man's face turned to one of contemplation before switching to a smile.
"Yeah! Of course she is! Sir, this is Song Dae-eun."

The old man held out a wrinkled hand, "It's nice to meet another friend."
She couldn't help but smiling as she shook his hand. "Likewise, sir."
The old man reminded her of her grandfather, perhaps being the reason she was being so friendly with him.

As she let go of his hand, she turned to the rest of the dorm, leaning against the bedpost with her hands tucked away still.
"A lot of people decided to come back." The old man said, his gaze was on the board above the main door. Following his eyes, Dae-eun looked up to the board as well, reading the Player number displayed.


"How many were there before? 201 was it?" Dae-eun asked.
"Yeah. I think so." Gi-hun responded, "Why?"
"187 came back, meaning 14 Players didn't. That's an overwhelming majority considering the vote came down to the wire, don't you think?" Dae-eun asked.

"Ah...Perhaps going back to being in debt was too much for them to bear. This is an amazing opportunity, after all." The old man said, Dae-eun raised her eyebrow at his answer.
An amazing opportunity? It's a last resort, 45.6 billion won or death. There's no in between. can he say that with such a happy face?
"Oh!" Gi-hun caught her attention. "There, look!" He whisper-shouted, his finger pointing across the room.

She followed his direction to see Player 212, the woman who had begged for the guards to let her go so she could name her kid. Gi-hun recounted this fact to the old man.
"Think she named her kid yet?" Player 001 asked.
"I doubt she has one." Dae-eun stated.

"Huh?" Both men turned to look at her.
"She's not even developed wrinkles yet. And even if she did get laid, there's no way she'd leave her kid to come back here, even if she's drowning in debt." She stated.

A fourth voice entered the space. The three turned to see Cho Sang-woo, Player 218, approaching them.
"So you're here, didn't think I'd see you." He stated. Gi-hun clicked his tongue in thought before responding, "Neither did I."
"No glasses?"

The two men turned to look at the girl with the pink streak.
"You had glasses before. You lost 'em or get contacts instead?"
"225. You're back as well." Sang-woo greeted, completely sidestepping the question.

"Yeah, this is Dae-eun. We got dropped off together on the way out." Gi-hun stated.
225 and 218 had a short staring contest before another voice announced itself.
"Hey! Good sirs!" It shouted, followed by footsteps.

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