12.Time To Go

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She took in a breath, giving his front door a light knock. it was only seconds later until he opened the door, it practically slamming open as he did so.

"Liv I am—" her almost breathless voice stopped him.

"I came..."

"I came to say goodbye." He frowned, moving closer to her. His eyes watered and pleaded with her.

"What—you're leaving?" He stepped outside, closing the door behind him. His breath hitched, and she could see the fear in his movement. His eyes glowed with sorrow and pain, and he shivered at the cold air.


"You're leaving??"

"Yes." She couldn't meet his eyes.


"We can work this out, don't leave-" he took her hands his only to have her pull away, tears filling her eyes.

"Spence...I really do not want to hear you plead with me to stay, when we both know it's best for me to leave."

She finally looked up at him, "all you'll do is hurt me more."

He scoffed, "you're a hypocrite."

Her eyes contorted to anger as she peered at him "I'm a hypocrite?"

Her eyes got wider at his statement and he just nodded, his face stayed still, refusing to break.

"You sit here and tell me how much I've hurt you. But every-fucking-time I'm willing to try and fix what I've broken, you run! You run, Liv. Leaving me hurt."

Face shifting to guilt, she relaxed and shook her head, "you're right."

She looked to the ground again, "but...I was willing to try this time,"

She whispered and he pushed her chin up, forcing her to meet his eyes.

"And why can't we still try?"


"Because what?" He pushed, trying the force the words out of her mouth. His eyes searched her's, looking for an exact reasoning to her running, though he'd tried to be with her time and time again.

"Because I'm scared! I'm scared that—that you'll hurt me even worse than you already have," she paused and her eyes filled with realization.

"You know...I believe other than my father's death, you've hurt me the most in this world. I'm scared of loving you Spencer...and you haven't made that any better for me."

He backed away, "Wow."

He looked away. Tears finally let free from his eyes. She was the person he loved most in this world, so learning that she thought of him this way cut deep.


That was all he could say. A part of him could understand where she was coming from--how could he not?, but still the thought of the girl he loved being scared to love him back hit him like a ton of bricks. It was like a wave washing over him, knocking him down as she took his heart and crushed it again and again.

"I'm sorry, Spence." She looked to the ground again, trying to find the right words.

"Don't be." He still couldn't meet her eyes.

"Can you look at me." She finally whispered after a few moments of silence.

"I love you. I don't think I'll ever stop," she admitted.

"But I have to go, you'll be in my heart...always." She turned to walk away but he pulled her back, his grip tight and his eyes determined. He wouldn't let her go. He was trying to fight for her...he was trying to keep her close...to be with her, she was the one making it difficult. She was the one making it hard, making it hard to love her. God, why does this shit always have to be so hard?

"You have to let me go, Spence." She got out of his grip and started back to the car.

"Liv don't do this again!" He shouted, chasing after her as her feet took a mind of its own, running for the car.

"Spence, don't make this harder than it has to be!" Tears trickled down her face as she turned to him.

"No, you're the one making it fucking hard. God dammit Olivia, it feels like I'm climbing a everlasting mountain trying to love you. And that's thing...love shouldn't be this hard."

"You're right..it shouldn't be. Maybe us, this..."

She waved between them, "just wasn't meant to be."

He scoffed, "we're doing this again? really?"

"you'll never choose me, and I know that now," he looked away, and she held her gaze.


Her voice was tight, "thanks for helping me realize that ill never be enough for you..."

"I'm trying to choose you. You're not letting me, Olivia. Let me choose you Liv!"

"Why now?! Why didn't you just choose me to begin with?"

"I fucking tried!! You ran. You ran away like you always do. Like you're doing now."

She looked down, guilt washing over her. "Spence—"

"No! You don't get to do that! This isn't all on me! I tried to choose you. In that parking lot, three years ago. You. Wouldn't. Let. Me."

His voice was tight and hard, anger creeping in, "It's like you'll do anything in your power to stop us from being together."

Her eyes watered and returned their gaze to the concrete ground. She couldn't face him like this. She couldn't watch the hurt in his eyes as he pleaded with her not to leave again. She couldn't watch him break. She wanted him to know that she'd never intentionally wanted to keep them from being together. But a part of her knew the cards would never be right for them.

"I'm sorry," he shook his head tears now falling again. She let a tear fall, getting out of her grip.

"Olivia!" He shouted as he watched her pull away.

"Olivia, don't do this!" She couldn't look at him as she jumped into the car with Sasha.

"Olivia!!" He shouted as liv hurried Sasha to start the car.

"Drive sash." Sasha turned her eyes to the window where Spencer stood, banging on the glass window, nearly cracking it, her eyes wide.

"You're really gonna leave him out there like that?!"

Olivia sighed deeply, "please just go."

"He's literally banging on my window!"

"Sasha fucking drive!!" She screamed, her voice full of pain. Sasha looked at Spencer one last time, her eyes with pure sorrow, but still she said nothing, just started the car and drove off to the airport, leaving Spencer there defeated.
Sorry for the wait, I celebrated my birthday this weekend, so thats kept me busy. I saw a lot of you comment on my announcement about my new story that I'm planning to release soon, and I know you all probably want that one sooner than later...but I want at least 10 chapters done before posting that one and so far I only have one written, butttt if you all want I can give a sneak peak. Just let me know if thats something you all would want!

Shorter than most, but hope you all enjoyed.

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