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Because you still couldn't stand too well, they sat you at the table and let you cut up ingredients, but when a certain ingredient would be too hard for your weak muscles to cut, they'd give you a bowl an let you stir stuff.

It was all mild conversation until Carol brought something up.

"I don't mean to change the subject, but.. I don't think your physical weakness is due only to you being asleep for so long."

Curious, you turn to her, still mixing waffle batter.
"What do you think it is?"

"Well.. I don't know much about magic, but.. I do recall Dulon mentioning that you had Amaryllis poisoning?"

It takes you moment, but you think you understand what she's trying to say. You didn't know till you got back, but magical people can take months of continuous treatment to recover fully from Amaryllis poisoning. You'd been drinking medicinal teas throughout the day and doing magical exercises to aid your recovery.
But you just went a whole month without any treatment.

"Have you tried using your magic? Since you woke up, I mean." Porri asks, setting some fruit on the cutting board in front of you.

Instead of responding verbally you raise your hand and, hesitantly, try and lift a piece of paper off of the counter using your magic.

It doesn't budge.

If you can't do even the basic task that they teach toddlers to do, does that mean you don't have magic at all right now?

Right now is not the time to be defenseless. Who knows what the Prince intends to do, especially since Khasm is in his cards now.

You sit there. Dumbfounded.
You feel.. Oddly hopeless. Even though you know everybody else can help you.
Carol gently rests her hand on your shoulder. Looking up at her, she has pitying smile on her face.
"You'll get it back, so don't fret. Go take a shower for now. We'll figure it all out after we eat."
You nod solemnly and head into the bathroom, using the wall to help hold you up.

Of course you decide against locking the door, just in case you end up needing help due to your fragile state.

You start taking off you clothing. Which is honestly... kind of gross. You assume they didn't have much of your clothes here, so they've been washing and reusing the same couple of outfits.

After stripping the bandage from your arm, you notice that you can't see your burn.
You turn your arm and put yourself in some less then comfy positions, but can't seem to locate the spot.
You go as far as to use the mirror to help you, but no luck.

Where did it go?

A burn like that doesn't heal in just a few hours. It usually takes at least a day, even with the aid of a blessed ointment. Which you didn't have regardless.

Though odd, it's not a bad thing that you no longer have a burn. That's certainly a positive after all.
You'll still bring it up with the others after your shower though.


As you're drying your hair, you hear a loud clatter and commotion in the living room.
Concerned, you steadily stand up and wrap a towel around your body. It didn't sound like a fight or anything. But maybe you should still check.
You reach for the door knob, but before you can even feel the cold metal, the door swings open. Hard enough to hit the wall with a thud. You're scared half to death when the person on the other side tackles you to the floor.

Yandere Prince × Magical Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now