The Woods.

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Somehow, you'd managed to fall into a dreamless sleep while sitting upon the stump.
Something wakes you up, but when you open your eyes, you don't see anything.

Glancing around, you find that you're barely able to make out your surroundings at all. Its far too dark, the clouds above having overtaken the light of the moon.
You squint, trying to make out anything distinct. You see a few trees, a small lizard run by on th ground, a fallen log propped up on a large stone.

Behind you there is a rustle of foliage.
Quickly you stand, whipping your head around to look at what it might've been.
An animal, your family looking for you, Nadrous Soldiers looking for you- Or maybe some fae had innocently gone on a late night stroll and accidentally startled you.

But as you scan your eyes across the darkness, you find nothing.

Just as you begin to think maybe it's nothing and you're just being paranoid because it's dark outside and you're alone, you're quickly disproven. A low, guttural growl unlike anything you've ever heard before comes from behind you. You swiftly turn around and take a step back, thanking every Deity you know that you don't trip on anything in this deep darkness.

You scan your eyes back and forth throughout your surroundings. But you see nothing. You take slow steps backwards. You haven't heard any steps or movement from whatever it is. It's only now that you realize that every sound in the woods had gone quiet. No birds, no crickets or Cicadas. That should've been your first clue that something was wrong. The woods had warned you and you hadn't noticed.

Just as you see a glint of something white out in the darkened tree line, another rumbling growl causes goosebumps to ripple through your whole body.

You regain your senses and step back on unsteady feet, quickly spinning around and running. You don't know to where, but anywhere to get away from whatever this is.

Your cloak gets caught in brambles as you run, tearing up the hem. And your ankles.
But you don't care. You just need to get away from whatever entity is pursuing you. As far as possible.
Even though you can't see where you're going, you can't stop to get your bearings. You fumble in your frantic steps. Tripping and stumbling, blindly using trees to keep yourself upright as you hear the distinct sound of something large crunching branches behind you as it gives chase.

In the distance, you see a faint light glimmering through the gaps between the trees.
It's not enough to illuminate your surroundings, but it gives you a direction to flee in.

Mud coats your shoes and clothes, many cuts litter your hands as you use them to find your way through the dark.

As you get closer to the light, whatever is behind you seems to grow distant, as if deliberately slowing down.

But you're not going to stop and take your chances.
As you get closer you see that the light is a small candle, set upon a windowsill in a house.

You burst through the treeline, barely registering the hard stones beneath your feet as you run up to the house. The backdoor is the closest.
As you step up on the porch and begin banging on the door, you recognize the house as belonging to a couple and their teenage daughter.

You hear footsteps approach, and then the curtains next to the door move as if somebody is peeking through them.
Almost immediately the curtains are swiftly released and the door swings open.
A man stands at the door in his pajamas, hair messy from sleep.

Yandere Prince × Magical Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now