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After giving the treats to Inui and Granny, You decided to sit with Granny for a bit on the sitting couch in her bedroom.
It felt weird not having Grandpa there. You can't imagine how it must feel for Granny. They'd been together for over 40 years. And then one day he's just gone. No warning.

"(Y/N). Something is troubling you."
You look up at your grandmother, who is wearing a concerned expression.

"A lot of things, actually.. But more importantly, how are you fairing?"

She just smiles at you sweetly.
"Oh.. I'm as well as I can be, given the situation.. I will say, I was expecting our treatment at the Prince's hands to be harsher. So maybe it only seems good in comparison to my low expectations.."
Her eyes lower to her hands, rested on her lap. She spins the ring on her finger absent-mindedly.

She continues to speak, her voice softer than normal.
"In my life I've had many regrets.. Not telling your grandfather I liked him sooner when we were young. Being so rude to my parents when I was young. All of that dieting and time consuming skin care- As it turns out, I still aged! Who could've guessed?" She laughs at the last part of her sentence. Her expression quickly turns solemn however. "Not being With your parents more. I blamed myself for a long time.. That if I had just been there with them, they'd both still be here.." Her frail hands tremble slightly as she continues. "I was so scared. I was scared the moment we got word that the Prince would be visiting us all the way back then. I had that pit in my gut. At some point I was convinced that it was because of the threat that Khasm posed to us without Nadrous. Now I'm not so sure. I think.." She paused for a moment, as if gathering the words. "I think I was feeling the change in the air.. As the young begin to build their world, the old must make room for them. I thought I still had time to.."

Tears gather in your grandmothers eyes, and she stops momentarily to compose herself.

"I thought I still had time to prepare you kids for that. To ready you. To.. To spend time with you and cherish you. I wish I had never agreed to send you to that place. Imagine what words your mother must have for me now!" She laughs lightly, wiping a freshly fallen tear from her face.

You place a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

"She'd say you did the best you could. If your options were send me away or watch us all die, I think she'd understand. I think she'd agree. In a perfect world you could say no and they would've just left it at that. But the world isn't perfect. It's messy and tangled. You did everything you could."

She shakes her head, a small smile on her lips.
"You get your optimism from Dulon. All of you kids do. I wonder what you got from me?"

You grin at her.

She laughs, playfully smacking your arm.

"You hush!" She scolds with a smile as she wipes away stray tears.

You shared a moment with Granny, but in the background you could hear Domi and Lynne Teasing Inui. Well, you can hear Inui whining about them teasing him.

He comes stomping down the stairs and ends up entering the room with the two of you. He immediately holds out his arms and calls out to you.
"(Y/N)! Granny! They're picking on me!"

You chuckle and pick him up. You hadn't really noticed before but you think he's actually gotten a bit taller.
Domi and Lynne enter the room soon after. Lynne grinning and Domi looking worried that he's about to get scolded.

"Were you two bullying my baby?" You ask, holding Inui Tightly as you fake a glare at them.

"They were! Really!" He whines, speaking into your shirt. The vibration of his voice tickles.

Granny shakes her head.
"You two, be nice. You know that he's different."

Domi grumbles and crosses his arms
"We're all different Granny, We're sheep people. How many sheep get to be people?"
Normally this would earn a remark from Granny, but her sentimental state doesn't allow it. She simply gesture for the two of them to join you on the couch.

They sit down on the couch, one on either side of you, Domi between you and Granny.
Granny wraps her arms around him and holds him gently, softly playing with his wool.
"I still recall when you were so very tiny. You struggled to walk on two legs the most out of your brothers. You walked around the house on all fours for months!"

Grannies soft laugh makes him pout shyly.

You don't remember that yourself since you were likely still a baby. The boys Age differently Than Humans, so eventually you became the older sister to all of them except for Porri. You outgrew Inui first, of course.

Lynne snorts, probably imagining a tiny Domi crawling around the house.

You're rubbing Inuis head when you notice something.
Confused, you reach over and place your hand on Domi's head to look for something.

Domi looks surprised and looks up at you. "What's up?"

You pull your hand away and go back to touching Inui's head again.

Suddenly You smile and squeeze Inui in your arms, pressing his little head close to your heart, which startles the small sheep boy.

Just as everybody looks at you all confused, you finally tell them what you noticed.
"Inui is the first to have his horns come in!"

Lynne immediately wraps her arms around Inui, and also you in the process, squishing the small boy between the two of you.
"Congrats little buddy! You're gonna have horns!"

Domi looks shocked, then slowly gets upset "Wait- No way! How does that work?! He hasn't even hit puberty yet!"

"You're just jealous cuz yours aren't coming in yet!" Lynne teases, making Domi glare at her.

Inui taps on your side frantically, struggling for air between the two of you. With a small chuckle, you pull away, apologizing for almost suffocating him.

Immediately his hand goes up to his head to feel the new little nub on his head, hidden beneath his wool.
His eyes light up and he gets a huge cheery smile on his face.
"I'm gonna have horns!"

His excitement is contagious, as even Domi is begrudgingly smiling at his brother now.

But behind him is Granny. Her expression, though smiling, is fairly solemn. The hem of her cardigan gripped tightly in her hand.
You recall her words of worry earlier.
That time was moving forward, whether we're ready for it or not.

"Let's go tell Porri and Cherri!!" Inui says, sliding out of your lap.
He hurries over to the door, where he stops and gestures impatiently for you to follow. "Come on!"

Yandere Prince × Magical Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now