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Porri's eyes widen and he reaches out to touch Inui's head, burying his hands in the smaller brothers wool.
"Its true! He's got little nubs!" Porri's smile is so bright, he looks so very proud of Inui.

The smaller Sheep has a big cheery smile as Cherri and Carol come up to pat his head too. Carol immediately has the most gentle smile on her face, while Cherri is mostly confused.

"But.. Isn't he supposed to be.. Younger?" He asks, his Lavender eyes peering up at you.

You just shrug. You have no explanation for this. "Yeah, he's supposed to Age slower than all of you, but he's already got his horns. Guess he's just a really early bloomer."

Cherri seems to accept this explanation. The way they all became Demi-human is unknown to pretty much everybody but your father. Usually a transformation like this would require some kind of.. Sacrifice, of sorts.. But your father swore up and down that there was never any Sacrifice made. That he had found a new way to do it. But he wanted to make sure there was no unexpected issues before actually revealing what it was.
Though For some reason they all Age at different rates. Porri being the one who ages closest to humans. But Inui.. Well he's only about 8 or so despite being roughly the same age as the other two. Nobody knows why.

But if you're being honest, you don't really care. You love your brothers all the same, no matter what.
Cherri made a new friend, Porri has a new hobby, Inui has his horns growing in and Domi.. Well, he's perfect just the way he is.

You sit back and watch everybody faun over and gawk at your little brother. But.. Can't help but think about what Granny said. Things are changing. And fast. It's been a month and already it's noticeable.

You're not sure if you like it..

"I'm gonna go for a bit of a walk." You rise to your feet as you let everybody know where you're going. Lynne immediately gets up and grabs her coat that she had haphazardly slung across the back of Carols couch.
"I'll go wi-" You put out your hand, gesturing for her to stop.

"No, I won't go far. I just need to stretch my legs for a bit. I'll keep the house in my sight." You pick up your fall Mantle and slip on your shoes.

"Oh, alright.." Lynne mumbles, apprehensive. Porri chimes in, stepping over to help you do the clasps on your Mantle. "I'll crack a few windows open, so we can hear if you call for us. Just in case." He smiles at you, patting down the front of your cloak flat across your shoulders.

You return the smile, and open the door, stepping out into the yard. The first thing you notice is that the sun is already touching the tips of the trees. Without thinking about it too much, you close the door behind you and start walking.

As the old dry branches crack beneath your feet, you think about what's happened. Just the last year alone has been too much to summarize. Especially considering you still don't know where everybody is. You haven't been able to physically see Grimm, Sei or Mei since you woke up. You haven't even been able to visit your grandfather's grave.
You can't help but wonder if Mei has fallen into her "bad habits" again in these troubling circumstances. You can only hope that her brother is taking good care of her.
You also find yourself thinking about Caster as you step over a wandering snail.
There's some weight to the fact that Cherri likes him. So he can't be all that bad.
If he's here to prevent Ace from doing anything bad, maybe he's the reason that being under Aces control hasn't been as oppressive as you'd assumed it would be.
You step over a fallen tree, bracing yourself on a low hanging branch as you do.
Has everybody been worried about you? How have the soldiers been treating them? There's many elderly in the village who wouldn't be able to stand up for themselves at all. The people here have never had to fight. These soldiers have known brutality that surpasses anything your village has seen before.
If they've harmed any of the people in your village, you'll have their heads posted on spikes around the parameter of the village walls. Even the Prince's if it comes down to it.

Yandere Prince × Magical Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now