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It's been a week since you woke up.
The worst part is honestly that you have no magic progress.
Physically you're fine now. You healed up remarkably fast. The village medic Aizin said that it would normally ruin your muscles to not use them for extended periods of time. Yet here you are, walking casually around the village with Lynne and Domi.

"That's her."
Lynne points to a Fairy sitting on the Prince's shoulder.
"That's the flittery Fae bitch that's been giving Ace directions"

You tense a little bit at Lynne's words.
"Lynne, that's borderline an anti fae slur"

She sighs "Sorry, you're right. I don't hate her for being a fairy, just for being a cunt."

"Then just call her a Cunt then" Domi says with laugh. Lynne rolls her eyes, but she's smiling anyway.

You're so used to being invisible at this point that it feels natural to have casual conversations while walking past Nadrous Guards.

Though you can't help but flinch when somebody looks in your direction. Especially when Aces eyes occasionally scan over the crowd of people.

You give the Fairy a closer look.
She's bigger than a normal Fairy.
About three times the size, in fact.
Still quite small when compared to humans of course.
Her wings are larger as well. Not even just for a Fairy, but when compared to her body in general. She also has the light glow that most fairies have.
You can hear her wind chime-like giggles all the way over here.
White hair isn't an abnormal trait for a Fairy, but white eyes?
This little lady is strange.

She suddenly stands up on Aces shoulder and then flutters off into the trees behind him.

Ace seems to be pretty calm.
His whole aura is slightly different from before you escaped. His demeanor looks friendly, childish, happy..

But.. Why?

Is it the effect of the Fairy? Is he under her influence?

Domi suddenly nudges you slightly with his elbow.
"Hey, (Y/N), come on. Let's go get something to eat from the bakery."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. That sounds good." You stutter a bit, your eyes still drawn to the Prince. Theres something off here but you just can't put your finger on it..

You follow behind Lynne and Domi as they drag you to the bakery.

As you walk, Domi spots something.
"Hey, wasn't that tent on the other side before? The blue one?"

Lynne squints at it for a moment before answering. "Yeah.. I think it was. Weird. Why'd they go and move it like that? Wait- Is that Cherri?!"

Cherri is standing by the tent, nervously tugging at his sleeves.
You were about to pull Lynne towards him but a man exits the tent before you could.

It only takes a few seconds for you to realize that you recognize him. Caster?

He plops a blade, still in its sheath and holder, into Cherris arms. He struggles to get all of the straps and pieces wrapped up in his arms as he tries to follow behind Caster. The taller man just chuckles at Cherri, who pouts up at him in response.
Caster stops him and says something that you can't hear. Cherri seems surprised by whatever it was and starts to fiddle with the item(s) in his hands. He holds it up and examines it anxiously as he stammers something out to Caster, who only raises an Eyebrow.
Caster takes the pieces from him and gets down on one knee in front of him, starting to strap the belt and holsters to Cherri.

Yandere Prince × Magical Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now