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While you were drinking your tea on the couch, Lynne steps in front of you with a mischievous grin.
You raise an Eyebrow.

Her grin grows bigger, leaning forward towards you.

"Wanna see the fruit of my virginity?"

You visibly cringe, which makes Lynne laugh. She shakes her head and starts over.
"Seriously though, wanna see my new capabilities? I promise it's cool!"

You nod. Of course you wanna see.

She giggles excitedly and then just..


Like, into thin air?!
Like the Cheshire cat!
Like Domi on cleaning day!

She appears once more, munching on a cookie.

"You.. You can become invisible?!"

"Yup! Like a Rogue. Or a spy!" She holds out her hand in front of her dramatically.
"I know! I'm so cool and amazing, but hold your applause! I'm still the humble woman you've always known!"

You can't help but giggle at her antics.
"That's so wonderful Lynne! How'd you get it?"

Her face drops a little, her playfully grin turning a little sad
"Ah, well.. When-"

"Hey!" Domi shouts, grabbing at Lynne. "My cookie!"
Lynne quickly shoves the rest of the cookie in her mouth and tumbles over the couch to get away from him.

You watch them play cat and mouse, despite the cookie being long gone already.

Carol eventually scolds both of them and gives Domi another cookie.

Like children, both of them.

Lynne returns, this time with a new trick to show you. She pulls Domi Along with her, who is grumbling under his breath while eating his cookie.

"I can also do-" She grabs Domi's hand in hers "This!"
She disappears just like before, this time taking Domi with her.

You smile and clap your hands as they reappear in front of you.
"So that's how you've been getting around the soldiers?"

She beams with pride "Yup! A real spy, aren't I?"

Domi rolls his eyes and plops down on the couch next to you.
"Isn't a spy supposed to be smart?"
You elbow him lightly, earning a disgruntled "What?" From him.

Lynne doesn't seem bothered by him though.
"I haven't had it for long, so hopefully i can find out even more cool stuff as I get better with it."
She seems pretty giddy.

It does make you think a bit about your situation right now though.. You're basically magicless..
But seeing Lynne smile and show off her own powers, you can't help but smile.

What would your ability be? Most people lose their magical virginity early in life. Thankfully you've never really worried about it before.
But it may be useful right about now...

"(Y/N)? You good?"
Looking up, You see Lynne is looking at you with concern. Her head slightly tilted to the side.
You nod, sending her a gentle smile.
She doesn't seem all that relieved, but she let's it go.

Yandere Prince × Magical Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now