chapter 36

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   Sades pov.

I woke up sweating I then proceeded to check on all of the boys thankfully they were all sound asleep in there beds . Luckily it was all a dream but I couldn't help but feel it to be a warning to .

     I knew Jax wasn't home so it made me sad . I took the time to go to the bathroom . I know its early but lately I've been sick .

      So I pulled out the pregnancy test and peed on it . While waiting I decided to make a call .

     Sades:I need a favor

      Sades: rember the deal we have well its time to take me up on that offer

    Unknown: alright I'm on my way

     Sades:thank you

    I ended the call before looking down at the test that would decide my fate . "DAMN IT"

       Jax pov.

I laid back on the couch I was at the club . I had no where to go so I came here . Sadly i couldn't sleep of course the boys where having a party per usual so all that I could here was the booming of music .

      I sat up sighing damn it I just want to go home and cuddle Sades and my kids . I pulled out a cigarette and began smoking it .

     I admit I reacted big but her knowing the information she does now is dangerous .

    "Knock Knock" the sound of the door being knocked on pulled me out of my thoughts .

     Thinking it was one of the boys I of course told them to come in . A blonde walked in barley dressed .

      "Hi Jax I know you are a little stressed so I came to help you" . She smirked but I could careless . I didn't make any faces instead I stood up .

      "You can go I don't need a whore to make me feel good" . Instead of leaving she shut the door .

     I didn't smile because I didn't want her . I tried pushing her away and when I did she fell backwards me stumbling with her .

    The door slung open and just when you thought it couldn't get worse ,  it was Sades who opened the door .

      She froze in place and I pushed the blonde slut off of me . I had realized my pants where off from where I was going to go to bed .

      The blonde left hitting Sades on the way out . Her eyes where watery "I can explain" . That was all I could say before she spoke .

      She gulped "no need come on" she said that and began walking me pulling on my pants and following . I was confused and worried .

        We walked to the clubs parking lot where the boys where with Thomas Able and the twins . "DADDY" Thomas and Able shouted .

      Sades hugged the kids like it was the end of something . "Im protecting you all no mater what happens its for the club" . She smiled as tears poured from her eyes .

      I ran to her but cops surrounded the building . "What the hell" that was a question we all asked except Sades .

      The began putting her in hand cuffs Rosevelt began speaking . "Sades Tukwila you are under arrest for the murder of Daniel Smith .

       Wait how we did that we killed the officer how was she found guilty . I went to do something but I was shoved to the ground as she was pushed into the police car .

      The anger on Rosevelts face said it all the biys tried helping but it only made it worse Thomas and Able didn't really move but the twins where screaming mama and dada .

    Play song for better experience

    Sades pov.

  Everything went in slow motion as my head ducked to be put in the police car . I could here my babies screaming mamma and daddy as Jax was shoved to the ground .

      I looked out the window and cried Jax had betrayed me he cheated on me now I'm leaving my kids and am pregnant with another I can't do it anymore .

      The car started moving as we drove to the station . You might be wondering how I did it how I convinced the cops it was I who killed them well I will explain later .

      I was shoved out of the car as they brought me to my cell . There was no questions asked none at all . I sat there in the corner crying .

     "Hey sweetheart" the voice was an accent English I think . I sniffled looking up a guy appeard he looked buff strong he had black hair and had his orange outfit on .

     He smiled darkly I'm sorry but if I do this I get out so I have no choice .  Suddenly I felt scared I got up and backed to the corner of the jail cell affraid I held my stomach .

    He raised his fist and I flinched he chuckled darkly . Chilles ran up my arms .

    He forcefully kissed me no this can't be happening again I thought . So I began screaming "HELP SOMEONE PLEASE HELP" !

     It was no use though it was just me amd him in there . He punched me in my stomach causing me to clutch it screaming in pain .

     He took his fist bringing it to my face and laughed . He then kicked me in the side of my stomach then chest . Before he looked back up at me .

     "This is a message to Jaxon if he ever does what he did he will get alot worse" . He then tore off my shirt causing me to cry .

     "NO PLEASE JUST DONT IM SORRY PLEASE" ! When he got to my pants Rosevelt came in and started beating him repeatedly .

      He was pulled off of the guy by other officers . He looked at me as I laid in the ground sobbing uncontrollably .

      I screamed he walked to me "Sades there is blood coming down your legs" . I sat up slowly and held him "hold me please I'm loosing my child I...just need to be held" .

     So he did as I lost my baby he held me I couldn't stop crying . I called Rosevelt he helped me make it look like I killed the police officer but we had enough evidence to get me out of jail on my court date .

    As for the guys that threatened Jax all they wanted was money so I gave them my moms house in Beverly Hills that was passed down to me we destroyed the evidence . Now I know your confused if we destroyed the evidence then why am I in jail .

    Well the cops are suspicious they are looking into the club and they could find something so I figured I should get it done now . Really though none of it mattered .

        Hey guys I know its been awhile sorry I was sick though shout out to Steelersgirl935 I will try to update again today but don't get you hopes up love you please vote xoxo kenzie ❤😘

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