Chapter 17

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I lay on my stomach so Abi could change my bandages. "Why did I pass out for ten minutes last night? Usually, it's a lot less than that..."

"Beats me," Abi said, distracted. I winced as she put pressure on a tender area. "Oh! Sorry!" She took a deep breath and I felt her take my pain. 

"No, Abi!" I protested. I was tempted to move away to keep her from working too hard. She was so exhausted already! "Don't worry about me. Just focus on the bandages. It's not that bad, I can take it, I promise." 

"No really, this is what I do. It's the only way I can help," she defended, sounding strained.

"I'm pretty sure you're more than a painkiller, Abi," I returned.

"Yeah..." she said, unconvinced. Then she sighed. "But I can't do anything productive. I can't fight, or protect anyone form getting hurt, and I'm not super smart, or strong, or talented. All I can do is take pain away." Her hands paused in bandaging. "I can't even heal people. Just make it better for a few minutes." Her voice quivered. "How can I be more helpful, like you guys?" 

"I understand, Abi," I replied softly. "Since I woke up, I've been nothing but a burden. But for some reason, you and Jack still saved me. You, Abi. You're worth so much more than you give yourself credit." While even Abigail was being helpful, I was falling short. I had literally done nothing to help anyone since I'd met them. They had all been helping me. "Besides, Abi, you have the most amazing gift I've ever seen."

She sniffled. "Thanks, Michael, but I just wish I could do more."

Jack appeared from the doorway of the hotel room. "Abi," he sounded shocked. "Is that really how you feel?" 

"Jack!" Abi quickly wiped her eyes and resumed wrapping my wounds. "How--how long were you there?"

Jack set the supplies on the TV table. "Long enough. Do you really think you don't contribute to the team?" 

"Of course not! I mean--sort of... I don't know." She finished on my back and turned to Jack. "Your turn, let me see your arm."

Jack backed away. "You can't ignore me, tell me what's going on." 

Her shoulders slumped in defeat. For a moment, neither of them said anything. "It's just--you all do so much for the resistance. You can fight, you can strategize, everyone has amazing powers that are useful, and I... I just--" She was cut off by Jack, who wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace. Her muffled sobs barely cut through the ringing in my ears. 

"Oh, Abi." Jack stroked her long blonde hair, which was tangled and dirty. "You can't think that way. You're wrong. " Jack held her out at arm's length and looked into her eyes. "You are helpful. Not just to the team, but to me." 

Tears streaming down her cheeks, Abi's lip quivered as she tried for a smile. 

Jack pulled her back into his arms. "I wouldn't be alive without you." He pecked her cheek with a kiss. "You are everything to me: powers or not." 

Abi took a deep breath. "You, too, Jack," she whimpered. "Thanks." 

After a moment, they separated, and Jack silently allowed Abi to tend to his wounds. I smiled at the tender moment. I didn't think I knew they were together. I wouldn't have guessed they'd be a good pair, considering their differences in temperament and personality, but obviously I was proven wrong.

At the thought of couples, Taylor entered my mind again. I vowed, as I did every time I thought about her, that I would find her again. 


I awoke before sunrise from another bad dream. Instead of trying to go back to bed, I arose and worked on the stretches Abi had taught me to help my back and my arm heal better. Over the past few days I'd been able to get up, walk around, and move almost normally without evoking intense pain. Abi told me my injuries would not heal without scars, but I didn't much care about that; add them to the dozens I received before the coma. At least I know where these ones came from. I thought to myself.

As I finished my stretches, I peeked out the window to see the sun just coming over the horizon. I leaned against the window and watched the sky turn from blue to pink to orange, letting my mind wander. Today was the day I would start training with Jack. 

Two days ago, I had asked Jack to help me get stronger so I could pull my weight better. He agreed, but Abi forbade us to do anything until our wounds healed more. Today was the earliest she would allow, and Jack had promised to not go easy on me. I was anxious to see what he had planned. 

The sun rose fully, and Jack and Abi were still not awake. I looked over at them, in their sleeping bags, their hands close together as if they had fallen asleep holding hands. We were starting to run low on food, so I decided I would go out and find the grocery store Jack went to last week. I found the bag of cash and took $30 with me. I grabbed a card key and a fresh shirt (Jack just did the laundry the day before) and walked to the door. When my hand touched the doorknob, I hesitated. This was the first time I'd left the hotel since we'd arrived five days ago. I stifled my fears and quietly opened the door so I didn't wake up Jack or Abi. 

When I returned with bread, peanut butter, potato chips, and a gallon of milk, Jack met me in the doorway. "Michael! Where were you?"

I held up my bags. "Shopping. We were out of a few things, and I woke up early, and you and Abi were still sleeping, so I thought I would just take care of it."

"Why didn't you tell us you'd be leaving?" Jack crossed his arms. 

"I told you, you were asleep! I didn't want to wake you up or worry you."

"Well, you could have at least left a note or something."

"I didn't think you'd wake up while I was gone." One look at Jack's expression told me I lost this one. I submitted, "Alright, I'll do that next time."

"You better," Jack retorted. Then his face relaxed into a smile. "You ready to beef up?"

His tone of voice struck fear into my soul, and I had to remind myself that I had requested this. "Sure," I replied, feigning nonchalance. 

Jack grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me to the door. "We'll make a man out of you yet!" 


After four hours of grueling exercise, we staggered back into the hotel room. Well, a more accurate description was that I staggered into the room. Jack just walked in normally as if he'd been on a pleasant stroll. Dripping in sweat, I rushed to the shower before Jack could beat me there. I took a cool shower, feeling refreshed as I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. 

I fetched my clothes and got dressed in the bathroom, listening to Jack and Abi converse in hushed tones. The ringing in my ears had mostly subsided, but when they spoke quietly like that, I still couldn't hear them. I suppose that's why they were talking quiet--so they couldn't be overheard. 

I took my time getting dressed, nursing my already-sore muscles. When I was done I opened up the door and walked out. "Bathroom's open," I called to Jack, expecting he'd want a shower, too. 

But looking up, I saw both Abi and Jack packing our bags frantically. "What's up?" I inquired. 

Jack threw a sleeping bag my way and instructed me to pack it. While I struggled to stuff it in the bag, Abi explained. While she was filling the four-wheelers with gas, she noticed a strange man in the shadows watching her. But the thing that was freaking her out now was the logo on his suit. She described it as an eagle with three stars above it and lightning bolts coming out of its wings. I remembered a similar symbol on the helicopters that bombed the ranch. 

"So, they--the bad company--they know where we are?" I asked, my eyes widening. 

"The Elgen," Jack corrected through gritted teeth. He shoved a pile of clothes haphazardly into a new duffel bag. "We have to get out of here."

"What?" I asked, startled. 

Abi piped in, tossing food and supplies into the different bags. "We have to leave this town, maybe this state, before the end of the day."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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