Chapter 11

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Warning: longish chapter ahead! (don't know why I'm putting this, but my friend told me to so I'm trying it... lol)

I sat up, rubbing my head as I tried to clear it. Jack put his hand on my back and helped me. "You okay, man?" His face was pale and there was sweat on his forehead. He was panting from shouting my name.

"Yeah," I grunted. "Just... nothing. I'm okay." I tried to steady my breathing to convince him.

It didn't. He raised an eyebrow. "Did you have another flashback? What did you see?"

He held his breath as I responded. "It wasn't one of yours, I know that much." I saw him relax, but tense up again almost immediately.

"Are you sure? It could have been." He raised an eyebrow, skeptically.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's impossible," I said slowly. "Unless you were a woman at some point giving baby me a bath..."

Jack cracked a smile. "No you're right. I've never done that before." Then he got serious again. "Wait, you had a flashback of your mom?"

"Yeah I think so..." I mumbled. I moved to get up. "Let's go ask her."

Jack pushed me back down. "Hey! You're supposed to take it easy! This morning when this happened you couldn't really walk!"

"Yeah, but this morning I fell down a hill when I blacked out. This time I was already on the ground. I'm fine!" I pushed Jacks hand away (an impressive feat considering the size of his biceps) and stood up.

"The nurse said to take it easy, Michael." Jack said, starting to follow me as I walked off.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, Jack! Just leave it alone." I huffed and started into a jog.


"So? Do you think it's yours?" I'd told my mother what I saw. We were sitting in the vacant mess hall next to each other on a bench, a now empty plate in front of me. I'd eaten a delicious sandwich and was in a pretty good mood.

My mother, in her kitchen hairnet and apron, was deep in thought. Her shining eyes were now glazed over with confusion. "I--I'm not sure, Michael. It sounds like something that could have happened, but... it was so long ago. My memory isn't as good as yours." She ruffled my hair, smiling.

I smiled back, rolling my eyes. "What do you think is going on? I'm getting other people's memories? What the heck?"

My mother sighed. "I have no idea. I'm not the right person to talk to about this." She straightened her shoulders, trying to look confident. "Maybe you should ask Ostin. He's smarter than most of the adults around here." She nudged my shoulder playfully. She must have been trying to cheer me up, but I was getting a little annoyed by it. I wasn't a child. I faked a smile, she deserved at least that, even if it bugged me.

"Yeah, I'll do that. You know where he is?" I moved to stand up, eager to get this figured out.

"Michael, on second thought....." She gently took hold of my wrist, holding me in place. "Well, maybe you shouldn't right now. You have a concussion, you're not thinking straight." Her grip tightened slightly, and she looked me in the eyes. "Maybe you should get some rest, process everything that's happened. You've had two of these episodes in one morning." The concern in her eyes was overwhelming, and unnecessary.

I groaned. Not her too. "Mom, I'm fine! How many times do I have to say that before you guys will believe me?"

"Michael, I'm just saying that with everything that's happened--"

I yanked my arm away. "I can handle it! You think I'm weak or something? I'm not! I don't need to be coddled." I stood and turned my back towards her.

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