Chapter 6

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As Ostin led me up the hill to the mess hall--the girl's dorm was on the other side--we were approached by Jack.

"They need you in the board room, Ostin," Jack told us. "They want to discuss Michael's... uh ...condition and asked for you."

Ostin looked at me. Then back to Jack. "Just me? Not Michael?"

Jack looked at me. "Yeah," he said slowly. He turned to me. "They want you to be more comfortable here before they give you the rundown. You coming, Ostin?"

"I'll be right there. Tell them to go ahead."

Jack gave me a sympathetic smile, then walked away.

After Jack had left, I said to Ostin, "You'd probably better get going, I guess."

"They can wait a few minutes for me. I'll just go get Taylor for you, first." He smiled and motioned for me to follow him.

I no longer had the enthusiasm that I'd felt a few minutes before, but I was still anxious to meet my supposed girlfriend. I still couldn't wrap my mind around it: she was way out of my league, and I didn't understand why on earth she would choose to be with me. Especially with guys like Jack and the other more manly-looking kids I saw.

As we neared the girls' dorms, we were met by a pretty Chinese girl, just walking out the door. She was carrying what looked like laundry in a basket at her hip.

Ostin lit up when he saw her. He smiled wider, stood up straighter, and ever so slightly, puffed out his chest. "Hey McKenna, is Taylor in there?"

The girl looked at me, then smiled knowingly. "Yeah, she's just getting her sweatshirt." She set the basket of clothes down and opened the door back up. "I'll go get her for you." She smiled at Ostin and went through the door. On her way in, he said, "It's good to see you, Michael. Really good." She disappeared to call Taylor out.

I noticed at the dreamy look on Ostin's face. "Do you like her?" I inquired. It was obvious how much he wanted to impress her.

He snapped out of his daydream and shook his head. "Yeah. I really like her. I'm the luckiest guy in the world that she likes me back."

"You're dating, then?"

"Yep. It's pretty great. It's been hard, though." His smile faded. "Ever since you disappeared, Taylor's been really upset, and if she saw any display of affection, she would burst into tears. She was so heartbroken when you didn't come back..."

Just then McKenna walked out. She was holding the hand of the gorgeous girl that kissed me earlier. And when I say gorgeous, I mean that if I said McKenna was pretty, she's nothing compared to the brunette in front of me. I stared at her as if I'd never seen her before, which I kind of felt like I hadn't.

Without the adrenaline from this morning, I could see her flaws, too. The little cut above her eyebrow, the freckle on her nose, the little pimple on her cheek. Somehow these little things made her look even more beautiful. Her wonderful warm brown eyes were looking at me with apprehension. She looked like she'd been crying, and I felt a powerful urge to wrap my arms around her and protect her in any way I could. Which was weird since I didn't even know her!

"Michael?" Taylor's voice was rough. She walked up to me and placed her hand on my cheek. I didn't know how to react, so I just stood there.

As I looked into Taylor's eyes, I wanted to tell her that she was the most beautiful girl in the world. The words felt familiar to me, but not enough to remember, or say aloud.

Her eyes welled up. "That's what you wrote on the first Valentine you gave me." I wondered what that meant. I didn't think I said it out loud. Taylor laughed once, but it was kind of a mix between a laugh and a sob. "Where have you been, Michael?" The tears fell, and she buried her head in my chest to soften the sobbing. "When you didn't come back, I couldn't stop thinking about you, wondering if--if..." She couldn't say it.

I didn't know how to respond. I wanted to say it's alright, but how could I? I didn't even know who she was! Nothing was alright. After a minute of Taylor sobbing into my chest, I caught Ostin looking at us. He nodded his encouragement. Slowly, I put my arms around her and felt her long brown hair on her back. I thought about combing my fingers through her hair, but then I thought it was too soon, too misleading at this point. I still wasn't sure how I felt, and until I did, I didn't think it was right to lead her on. I just held her as she cried.

I couldn't imagine what she'd been through the last couple months. She had lost her hero, and for months she didn't know whether she would ever see him again. Then, when they finally got word that her hero is alive, she gets me, not him.

I didn't know what to do. I definitely still had feelings for her, but I doubted they were the same as before. Taylor would be sorely disappointed that I was not who I had been, and that would break her heart. And seeing her hurt like that would break my heart. I couldn't explain it, but I felt very protective of her, like I would fight off an army for her.

We stood there for a while, and eventually Ostin left for the meeting, hand in hand with McKenna. I was almost jealous of them. They knew exactly who they were and that they could rely on each other. I guess I could understand Taylor's sorrow and I wished I could have made it better, but I didn't know how.

Eventually, when Taylor had stopped crying, but didn't let go of me, I asked her, "What did you say about a Valentine?"


"Earlier, you said something about a Valentine I gave you. What about it?"

"Oh! You said I was the most beautiful girl in the world, and that's exactly what you wrote on the first Valentine you ever gave me, before you knew I knew you existed."

"But I didn't say anything."

"Really? Huh. I guess your thought were so strong that I thought you'd said it out loud."

"My thoughts?" Now I was really confused.

She laughed once and sniffled. "I keep forgetting that you don't know this stuff. It's all so familiar now, and you were the one who helped me figure all this out, that...I don't know, it's really unsettling that you don't know any of this stuff any more."

"What are you getting at?"

She took a breath. "I can read your mind, Michael."

Author's Note:
Sorry about the long gap in between chapters. I've kind of hit a writer's block for this story, but I've just got a few ideas and I'm in the process of writings them right now.

If you guys have any suggestions for where this story should end up, I'd love to hear them! I have the next chapter planned out, but that's about it. :/

If you have any ideas, let me know and I'll mention you if I use them!

I'll try to update more often. Thanks for your guys' support and encouragement! It really helps! :)

Update: I now have a plan for this story! I know what all is going to happen, and how I want it to end! Thanks for all your suggestions and ideas! :D

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