Chapter 7

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"Wait. What?" In the back of my mind, that kind of thing seemed somewhat familiar, but that didn't keep me from being surprised. I was so surprised that took a step away from Taylor, which I felt bad for after the fact. "So...what am I thinking of?" I tested, suspiciously.

She laughed, the first real smile I'd seen since I'd met her. "Only if I'm touching you, silly!"

I tilted my head. How did that make sense? "How?"

She explained, "You know how thoughts are just electrical signals firing in the brain? I can intercept those signals, and read people's thoughts." Now that she said it like that, the idea of mind-reading didn't sound impossible at all. "I can also reboot people, which is what I call it when I scramble those signals. They forget what they were doing, and then I can tell them what to do and they'll do it. People are very susceptible to suggestion when they're confused."

My mind reeled. This was a lot to take in. Taylor leaned against the side of the building and put her hands in her pockets. "It's kinda confusing, huh?"

I nodded and laughed. "That's an understatement! This is so cool and disturbing all at the same time!" I combed my fingers through my hair (it was pretty long, I hadn't cut it since I'd woken up. I'd have to do that sometime). I laughed, "I'm going to have to get used to this, huh? Being baffled and amazed all the time." I thought I'd already gotten used to it, that I couldn't be surprised if I didn't know what to think in the first place. Boy, was I wrong!

Taylor laughed quietly, looking at the ground. She smiled and looked up at me. I saw her eyes dwell on my lips for a second. She shook her head and took a shaky breath. She gave me a tight hug.

"It's getting dark." She released me. "We should get inside. I'll see you in the morning, right?" she asked hopefully.

"Uh... yeah," I said shaking myself out of a daze. "Definitely! I mean, where else would I be, right?" I inwardly cringed at my idiocy.

To my surprise, she laughed. "I guess so. Goodnight," she said, reaching out and squeezing my hand. She lingered, then quickly went inside.

I stood outside, leaning against the building as I tried to process all that had happened just now. After a while, I saw the lights in the mess hall switch on, and realized how late it was getting. I started walking around to the other side of the mess hall where the boys' dorms were, dragging my feet, lost in thought.

I still couldn't believe what I'd done to deserve Taylor. She was independent, funny, smart, and drop-dead-gorgeous! I was just me--short (and she said I was even shorter before I'd disappeared), scrawny, and now with no memory of anything. And she still liked me! I could tell by the way she looked at me, and I just couldn't believe it.

I was so lost in thought that I almost ran into a tree. I shook myself out of my wandering mind, and hurried over to the dorms.

I was spent. Despite sleeping all day, I was emotionally and mentally drained from everyone I'd met, all the things I'd done, and my futile efforts to remember anything. I was ready for a good night's sleep, to prepare for another long day of exhausting work. I was not expecting a party when I walked in the building.

Okay, it wasn't a full-blown-flashing-lights-and-loud-music party, but when I entered everyone looked at me and started talking at once, laughing and cheering and saying "we missed you". I stood in the doorway, frozen. I was not ready to tackle this today. I saw Jack and he came up to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and leaned towards my ear. "They all want me to introduce you to them," he said softly, just loud enough for me to hear. "but if you're not ready, we can wait until morning." I appreciated Jack's understanding and kindness towards me. I smiled weakly and nodded, indicating that I did not want to do this tonight.

Jack nodded grimly and walked away, motioning for everyone else to follow. They must have noticed my exhaustion, because they all backed off. I walked slowly to the bunk I'd slept in earlier. There was a kid two bunks away from me, but all the other surrounding bunks were empty. I liked that. I would get time to myself and not have to talk to anyone unless I wanted to.

I sat down on the bed and sighed. I couldn't wait to get some shut-eye, but the kid closest to me had other thoughts.

"Hey, Michael. How's it going?" He was lanky, with red hair and a freckle-covered face. He tried for a smile.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Could he not see that nothing was going well? I'd just gotten back from a hospital where I'd lost my memory, I didn't know anything about my past, and I'd learned everything I know currently in the last twenty-four hours.

I let out out a breath and looked the boy over. "Who's asking?" This boy was totally unfamiliar. Not even a glimpse of recognition like there was for Ostin.

His smile faded. "I'm Tanner." He offered his hand.

I looked at it. After a moment, I shook it. "Michael. But, you already knew that. Just like everybody else in this place." I just wanted to go to bed.

"Hey, we're just happy to have you back here, safe," Tanner said defensively.

I didn't respond. I wasn't in the mood. I just sighed and let my head fall into the pillow. My eyes grew heavy and I fell right asleep.

A/N: Again, I don't really have any ideas of where this story is going, so let me know what you think should happen!(that means you too, personal friends. You think you don't apply to these, but you do! ;)) I think I'm going to have Michael re-meet all the characters, but beyond that, I don't know...
Let me know if you have an idea, and I'll make sure to credit you! That's all for now! Shock on, Veyniacs!

Update: I now have a plan for this story! I know what all is going to happen, and how I want it to end! Thanks for all your suggestions and ideas! :D

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