Chapter 1

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"And this is my boss Louis, this is Mr Styles" Louis dad James tells him smiling.

Louis reaches towards Mr Styles outstretched hand and shakes his hand politely.

Louis has been dragged along to his dad's work dinner, apparently for new employees to get to know each other. It's an over the top do and Louis and his dad had to hire their tux's as they don't own any. They don't and never have had the money for lavish things, Louis dad has just started this new job, tells Louis he's part of a big bank, working insurance and looking around the room Louis thinks it must be an extremely classy bank.

Louis Mum died when he was 8, his dad raising him the best he could, Louis has basically grown up close to poverty, his dad struggling to hold down a job and care for Louis. They are extremely close though, a team, his dad has always called Louis his best buddy and even at 16 Louis wouldn't know what to do without his dad. He loves him to death.

"It's nice to meet you" Louis says and Harry smirks at Louis, his dimple popping, causing Louis to blush.

Louis is gay and came out at 14, his dad was very supportive, his friends at school were too and he's so thankful for their constant support and for not really making it a big deal at all.  Louis can't help but stare at Mr Styles, he's about 27 with slight scruff and curly brown hair to his ears, he's muscly and seems kind yet there is definitely an air of arrogance and danger associated with him and Louis doesn't know if it gives him an uneasy feeling or he's actually attracted to it. Mr Styles can definitely hold a room and anyone's attention.

"Likewise Louis, your dad has told me a lot about you" Harry says confidently

"Oh?" Louis says confused as he glances at his dad and back to Harry

"Nothing but good things don't worry" Harry smiles before he turns to James " Drew will show you to your table, would love to chat a little later about some business, but enjoy your night" Harry says kindly as he claps James on the back

James nods and thanks Harry

"See you around Louis, it was very nice to meet you" Harry says smirking

"You too" Louis says smiling shyly

Harry nods and walks off to greet some other guests and they are shown to their table. Louis is so uncomfortable being here and he looks around uneasily. He notices there are about six guys who keep staring at him, Harry included and he just feels so uncomfortable.

Louis doesn't eat much of the fancy food, he has a glass of Coke and that's about it, his dad mingles the entire night, whisked away on what appears to be important serious business. Louis gets a weird feeling, these people don't seem like they would work in a bank, and he notices there is only about 5 women in the room, wives of some of the workers. They all look very expensive, Louis is definitely the youngest one here.

Louis keeps to himself pretty much the whole night at the table, his phone is so old and barely works but he ends up playing snake for most of the time, it's the end of the night when someone sits down next to Louis smiling.

"Hiya kiddo, you're James son aren't you" the guy says, Louis recognises him as one of the guys whose been staring at him through the night.

Louis looks towards the man, he's handsome and muscly yet kind looking, around the same age as Mr Styles and just as intimidating, cleanly shaven and pretty yet rough in a way.

"Um, yeah.... I'm Louis" Louis says shyly

"I know, I'm Scott, I work with Harry" Scott says

"Harry?" Louis asks confused

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