Chapter 3

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Edward and Scott stay most of Louis shift, talking and trying to get Louis to laugh. Edward spoke to Nick and as soon as Harry's boys are involved Nick knows it's serious and keeps his word of keeping Louis safe.

The boys enjoy spending time with Louis, trying to get to know him and crack his exterior a little.

"Hey Lou, what did you mean before about paying off Noah's drug debt?" Scott says nonchalantly as Louis is cleaning a few glasses while he and Edward sit at the bar.

"Oh, ummm just, he was in trouble and I had a years worth of savings, it was only $500 but I paid it for him so he wouldn't get beaten up" Louis says shrugging

"So you do drugs?" Edward asks

Louis chuckles

"No, I see what it does to Noah sometimes and my dad would kill me, plus it took me a year to save $500 I couldn't afford a drug habit" Louis jokes

The boys are relived

"That was nice of you to do for Noah" Edward says

Louis shrugs

"Just don't tell me dad" Louis jokes

The boys smirk

"Your secret is safe with us" Scott says winking at Louis

Just then the doors to the bar open and Harry and Drew walk in. Scott having texted Harry telling him where Louis was working.

Louis looks up and they lock eyes, Harry looks ethereal in black slacks a black business shirt rolled to his elbows. His hair is nicely styled and his green eyes sparkle. He looks so hot yet so dangerous and the bar all stop and look towards him.

Harry only has eyes for Louis, he looks absolutely stunning and tiny and Harry just wants to hear his voice again.

Harry and Drew greet Nick and head to the seats next to Scott and Edward. Drew kisses Scott and sits beside him and Harry takes the seat in between Scott and Edward. Louis looks on curiously, obviously Scott and Drew are partners.

Harry greets his boys and then turns to Louis.

"Hi there sweetheart" Harry says, his voice silky and his signature smirk present

Louis blushes.

"Louis, can you get Drew and Harry a whisky sour, it's their usual" Nick says kindly

Louis eyes widen he has no fucking idea how to make that, he's never been asked to make that before

Scott and Edward catch on

Louis nods and turns to get two whisky glasses he then turns and places them on the bar slightly panicking.

"Put the whisky in first" Scott says smiling.

Louis looks at him and half smiles back he grabs the whisky and puts it in.

"You'll need the lemon juice next" Edward says

Harry smirks, watching Louis make the drink, Scott and Edward helping him. Clearly Louis has no idea what he's doing.

When he's finished, he places the drinks in front of Harry and Drew

"Thank you darling" Harry says and Louis gets a shiver up his spine, a good shiver.

Harry sips his drink and they all wait for his verdict, Louis holding his breath

"Delicious" Harry says licking his lips as he stares at Louis

Louis breaths a sigh of relief.

The boys chat between themselves while Louis serves a few other people and when he's back in front of Harry and the boys, Harry starts talking. He can't take his eyes off of Louis

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