Chapter 13

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It's quiet and no one is around. Drew and Scott lead Louis straight up to Harry's bedroom and Louis feels like he's going to break. Last time he was here, his dad was alive. They make it to Harry's room but guide Louis through to the wardrobe and sitting on the window bed, in all his god like glory is Harry. They lock eyes and Louis breath hitches. Harry looks rougher, he has scruff and he's gotten more muscles, he's buffer and scarier but he's still absolutely unbelievably gorgeous.

"Hello darling" Harry says, his voice deep.

Louis looks down, Harry can't belive how tiny Louis has gotten, how dirty he is, how shattered he looks.

Drew and Scott then leave and Louis is left in front of Harry as they stare at each other.

Louis looks up to Harry, between his eyelashes. Harry can see how hurt he is.

"I'm sorry" Harry says defeated.

"For what? Killing my dad?" Louis asks sadly

"I didn't kill your dad Louis" Harry says blankly

"You're the reason he's dead, you didn't protect him, you didn't save him, it was your fault" Louis says, voice slightly raised.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let you go back to the apartment together, I was trying to do the right thing. I didn't know what was going to happen, please understand that I'm sorry and I didn't mean for any of this to happen" Harry says his voice raising too.

"He's gone Harry, the only person who mattered, the only person that loved me, he's gone and I'm never going to see him again" Louis yells

"How can you not think I care about you too Louis? You didn't have to run you know! You didn't have to disappear" Harry yells back

"What else was I going to do, go to a foster home? I didn't want to go Harry" Louis yells.

"Do you think I would have allowed you to go anywhere? Do you think I would have let you go anywhere" Harry yells fiercely

"You didn't want anything to do with me, you made that very clear and then you killed my dad" Louis screams as he cries

Harry rushes forward and grabs Louis and brings him in close.

"I hate you, I hate you" Louis says over and over again as he punches Harry's chest.

"I know, I know, it's all okay" Harry says and Louis cries again. In Harry's arms

"It's never going to get better, I'm never going to feel better" Louis says emotions raw.

"It is sweetheart, it is, I promise and I'm not going anywhere I promise we are all here for you, I promise Louis, god I promise" Harry says as he holds Louis tightly and he falls into Harry's arms. Harry moves them to the window bed and pulls Louis close as possible.

Harry just let's Louis cry and holds him, Louis is just exhausted, he completely breaks in Harry's Arms, as much as he wants to blame Harry he knows he can't, he hasn't felt this safe in over a year. Being in Harry's arms is so comforting, he's missed Harry's smell and as Harry holds him tightly he feels so safe. Louis is absolutely exhausted and he cries himself to sleep on Harry.

Harry moves Louis between his legs as he holds him close, blanket around them both, Harry cannot explain the feeling he has now he knows Louis is safe in his arms, he doesn't want to let Louis go ever again and he holds him tightly, holding back his tears.

Louis wakes a few hours later, comfortable in Harry's arms, they don't say anything to each other for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry"  Louis says.

"Darling, there is nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry I wasn't there" Harry says sincerely

"I'm sorry I didn't let you be" Louis says

Harry holds Louis tightly and they just stare out the window.

"Come on, let's get you in the shower" Harry says

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you all dirty" Louis says uncomfortably as he gets up.

"Louis, that's not want I was worried about, I just want you more comfortable that's all, come on, I'll help clean you up" Harry says

"It's okay... I can...I'm fine" Louis says as he back up, slightly embarrassed that he let go in front of Harry like that. He turns around to head   to the bathroom.

"Lou?" Harry calls

Louis turns around and looks to Harry shyly

"Your drawer is still full in the bottom of my dresser...come down to the kitchen when you're done" Harry half smiles

Louis is taken back, Harry kept his draw full of clothes. Louis grabs some new sweats and a jumper, underwear and socks out and goes to have the best shower he's had in a year.

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