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A girl with long green hair had two cups of water shaking in her hands, the girl knew what Izuku was saying, but prayed she was wrong. Finding it ironic in a cosmic sort of way that she prayed for a demon. Izuku was close to falling asleep when his door was pushed wide open.

Tsuyu) "Midoriya, can we talk for a minute?"

When Izuku looked towards the door he was in shock, Tsuyu stood there with two cups in her hand. The nightwear she had on did very little to hide the growing tears in the corner of her eyes. When he saw this Izuku shattered, he hadn't considered anyone listening in. To make it worse the girl he might have gotten pregnant had heard it. Said girl walked to him and put the drinks down before leaning towards him and tackling him to a hug. Her now flowing tears making a wet spot on Izuku's chest. The boy could barely move but wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, doing what he did best, he monologued.

Izuku) "Tsu, I want you to feel my heartbeat. That is a feeling I'll never willingly let go. A felling to show how much we truly care for the other. What I said back there was a necessary thing to say, I came here to protect people, I can't risk going against that."

The frog styled girl deepened her crying and pulled away from Izuku as he saw the look in her eyes. To say it was heartbreaking was an understatement. Her eyes were glossy from the sheer amount of tears pouring from her eyes, and they looked almost broken, a look he himself wore for a time. When he saw her eyes he couldn't help but wrap her in the tightest hug he could give.

Izuku) "I'm sorry, I didn't know you would feel like this. I really didn't want to do this, I had to."

To Izuku's surprise Tsuyu lightly hit his chest.

Tsuyu) "Baka, I won't let you die! I won't let you get corrupted! None of the girls will!"

Sensing Izuku wasn't making the situation better he pulled Tsuyu into a kiss. She was hesitant but accepted it and pushed Izuku onto the bed as he flipped her to the other side. When the separated Tsuyu looked at him and said something from the bottom of her heart.

Tsuyu) "Izuku, I know we just had a single interaction really all year, but I don't think I've ever experienced this feeling. I always saw it in movies and wanted it for myself. That thing is called love at first site. When I saw your strength I expected you to be like the other strong kids, but you're different. You're kind, not afraid to protect others, and most importantly, you're accepting. I spent my whole life being told by everyone except my family and friends said that I'd never find love. My appearance isn't exactly to pleasing to many. You saw me as more though and didn't get disgusted by my heat cycle. So please, please don't ever make me worry about you. If everyone puts you down I want you to know, you're my hero. Now can you promise me you'll try keeping it that way, please."

Izuku really didn't know what to say, he had never heard those words in his entire life. He started to tear up and pulled Tsuyu close to him. Three words, you're my hero, was all Izuku had ever wanted to hear. While he wouldn't destroy anything he'd just prepared, he certainly would try his hardest to make sure it never came into use. He was crying and must have fallen asleep because he woke up to chirping birds and a girl snuggled into his chest. The demon couldn't lie, he liked this a lot. It reminded him of a simpler time when life was better than it was. Izuku suddenly started to have a flashback

Izuku) "Mommy, Daddy, can I go see what my quark is?"

Hisashi) "It's called a quirk sport, and yes, we can go as soon as you're done eating."

The family of three sat down and ate their breakfast, waffles, eggs, and bacon. They joked around sharing laughs and smiling. Hisashi seemed a bit off but hindsight is 20/20.

Izuku) "Yay, let's go see my quirk!"

Inko) *chuckle* "Not quite yet sweetie, I have to put the dishes away."

Izuku) "Aww man."

Hisashi) "Hey, how about we get ice cream after the quirk test?"

Izuku smiled so bright it would nullify the sun. Hisashi laughed while rubbing his eyes and went towards the door, Izuku and Inko followed behind him as Inko locked the house up. When the family piled into the car they drove to a local clinic. Hisashi took Izuku over to the play area while Inko checked in. Izuku was playing with some blocks when a girl, who had dragon wings coming from her back, started playing too. Izuku looked at her and smiled before asking her a question.

Izuku) "Hi, what's your name?"

The girl looked up and smiled too before replying.

???) "I'm Moki Suritama, who are you?"

Izuku) "I'm Izuku Midoriya, what's your quirk?"

Moki) "I'm getting it checked."

Izuku) "I am too, that's so cool!"

Nurse) "Midoriya Family?"

Izuku waved bye to the girl as they parted ways and went with the nurse. Hisashi didn't come with him because he had a business call but Inko followed behind them.

Doctor) "Hello there young man, how are you today?"

Izuku) "I'm great!"

Nurse) "Awe, he's so full of energy. He reminds me so much of my little one."

The adults shared a laugh before the doctor ran a few tests, when he got back the doctor seemed glum.

Inko) "Sir, what's the issue?"

Doctor) "Oh, it's not a problem I'm just concerned. You see, your sons quirk is likely very strong. So strong that he has to train continuously for his quirk to even emerge. Now what I'm about to say next is extremely important, don't let him go through anything that would cause a lot of stress. His quirk could active early and if he can't control it yet, he might die from it activating. Mrs. Midoriya, I want to stress that you should make sure nothing traumatizes him, otherwise something bad might happen."

(2 weeks later)

Izuku was walking home from school, taking the long way as a sort of training. When he opened the door he heard heavy breathing and what sounded like gurgling. He looked towards where the sound was coming from and his pupils shrunk. Izuku saw his dad on the floor, a face of pure terror above a wide open bloody throat. Without even knowing what happened, Izuku was suddenly grabbing the hand of someone before it broke. His eyes widened further when he saw someone he knew, the face of Tenko Shimura, or recently, Tomura Shigaraki. In his shock Izuku didn't notice a hand grab his before a searing pain took over him. A portal of some kind opened and Izuku saw nothing but black. When Izuku came back to the present he felt tears on his face and looked to see Tsuyu worriedly looking at him. Not wanting to explain himself he simply smiled slightly.

Izuku) "Let's get ready to train, sports festival is soon after all."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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