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(Izuku's quirk gives him the look of Jin with the devil gene. See picture at the end, Harem is also at the end. I'm open to suggestions.)
Izuku Midoriya, to many, that's the name of a savior, to others, a caring husband. Only one person didn't see it that way, the mad man himself, Izuku. He saw it as a story straight out of a fairytale. He had a villainous quirk, and never had friends. He was void of any emotion outside of his home. He never felt sorry for himself though, he pushed through the opinions of others, and paved the path for many heroes after him. However, every hero, has an origin.
(Aldera Junior High, Ten months before the entrance exams.)
Izuku was walking to class thinking of his quirk, it took so much training to awaken that it seemed like a dream when it happened. He had a chiseled eight pack, and was all muscle. His quirk was, Demon, A strange transformation type quirk that gave the person fire breath, super strength, regeneration, stamina, super speed, and resistance when not transformed. Things get really crazy when he goes into his transformation, he gets wings, making him able to fly. His fire breath gets hotter, strength, regeneration, stamina, super speed, and resistance sky rocket, and he can create pocket dimensions at will.  He's over powered, in simple terms. You might think that it didn't matter if his quirk was villainous, well, you'd be wrong. No one goes near him because of stories his former best friend tells about him. He had to go through physical training equivalent to bench pressing a semi for two hours a day, with no breaks! He was charming, and actually was really nice given a chance to talk. What he never understood was why he was villainous?

Katsuki's quirk lets him make nukes for Christ's sake! Izuku was very good despite his quirk, he almost never swore, and if he did, you fucked up! He also abstained from drugs and alcohol, he knew he'd never get a girlfriend because of his quirk, so no problem there. Izuku made it to the door a few seconds before the bell rung. He sat down, and waited for the teacher. The teacher was holding a stack of papers before they flew into the air. Izuku heard, "You all want to be heroes, right?" Izuku knew someone would be angered by his school choice, so decided to sit back and wait. He would have if it wasn't for Bakugo's big mouth, "Don't lump me in with these extras teach! I'll be the best! Not even the future villain Deku can stop me!" Izuku was a little annoyed, but it was calmer than what he normally did, so he let it slide. The teacher then looked at a sheet and said, "I don't know about that Katsuki. You and Izuku are both applying to UA.

There was silence before a classroom of laughs was heard. Izuku heard a person say, "Why would a villain like you get into UA?!" Izuku just shrugged it off before counting to three in his head. He jumped out of his seat in a perfect summersault. Katsuki blew his desk up as he jumped. Izuku landed on his feet before saying, "You're predictable Katsuki. I didn't even have to look. Your to focused on harming others to improve yourself. That, is the real problem." After his little speech he sat down and waved Katsuki away. Izuku stretches before paying attention again. Everyone just quieted down and listened.  Class was dismissed shortly after, he packed his stuff and walked out. He was thinking about a law that passed recently.

The law was about harems, they were illegal. Though a law was passed that made it legal, why? All Might, so many women wanted him they had passed the law just to prevent anarchy. Izuku found it hilarious, soon he'd see people with four girls, while he had none. He'd be even more of an outcast. He walked under a tunnel before hearing sludge. He turned to see a monster out of the blob. He used his fire breath on it until it started to boil. The sludge fell to the ground shortly after. Izuku scooped it up in a water bottle and sat it on the ground neatly. He waited until a figure came out of the sewer. Izuku recognized All Might and said, "Hey, All Might! Here's that sludge villain for you!" Izuku handed it over before walking away.

On his way home he heard an explosion, he already knew who it was so he went towards it. He saw the sludge villain and a Bakugo that kept blowing buildings apart with his quirk. Izuku stepped forward and walked towards the villain. The pros were yelling at him to stop, but he said, "Hey, Blob, I'm gonna put a stop to your little game, why, because it's what a hero would do!" The slime noticed him and growled. Izuku ran in, he grabbed Bakugo in the blink of an eye, and threw him to the pros before changing into his demon form. He punched the villain and created a gust of wind that changed the weather from rainy, to cloudy, and sunny again. He changed back to normal exhausted, he sat down and waited. Little did he know, All Might saw everything. That's when Izuku heard something, "Why did you save him villain?" Izuku looked up to see Death Arms, Izuku just replied, "Huh, I saved him, did far more than you, caused minimal damage to everything around me, and I'm a villain? I just saved a persons life, a person who normally treats me like I'm trash. Put aside all my bias and opinions to save him, put forth my best heroic spirit, and I'm a villain?" After he said this he walked away, two people followed him. One was his bully, ready to kill him! The other was the symbol of peace in his true form. He didn't know that his fight and words were put on live television, and the heroes were rethinking their outlook on certain things. Izuku was just walking home. Izuku heard one word he didn't expect to, "DEKUUU!!" He looked and saw Bakugo charging him. He evaded, and really didn't want a fight. He just wanted to eat some Katsudon. After a few minutes of chasing, Bakugo got to tired and left. Izuku sighed and said, "I really don't like fighting people that only have inflated egos." Izuku stepped in an alley to take a short cut before being cut off, "I Am Here!" Izuku looked and said, "Why are you here?" All Might looked and turned weak. Izuku stared, slightly surprised, before Izuku sat on a cardboard box. He motioned for All Might to sit. The skeleton man sat and talked, "I want you to inherit my quirk. It's a quirk passed from generation to generation. The heroes use it to fight the greatest evil known to man, the man who made me like this, All For One! It's name is One For All! I want you to have it for one reason, you are a true hero. You didn't care about backlash, or personal issues, you jumped into action with no hesitation to save someone that made your life hell. So, do you accept?" Izuku looked at the sky before saying, "If I can keep people safe, I'll do it!"

(Izuku's Harem)
  Ochako Uraraka
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tsuyu Asui
Kyoka Jiro
Itsuka Kendo
Reiko Yanagi
Ibara Shiozaki
Yui Kodai
Setsuna Tokage
(Izuku in demon form. Just picture Izuku, with his UA uniform. Shirt will be torn of because of wings though.)


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