Chapter 9 - Time to Talk

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He picked up his backpack, "Thanks for dinner, and don't worry about the rest of that I get it. See ya." I waved and sat on my bed. That wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I sighed and flopped back.

(Y/N)'s POV

I turned over and grabbed my phone. I had texted Tweek awhile ago during the project a few times and he still hasn't answered. I don't know what I did. Should I call, or show up at the café, or do SOMETHING?? Come on my first friend and I've already screwed something up. Suddenly there was knocking on the door.

"Come in," I mumbled. Daisy slowly opened the door and looked around the room. Taking in the space for the first time, "Wow kinda plain in here, huh kid?"

She gave a little smile. I rolled over and looked at the wall, "Not much to decorate with around here."

There was a bit of silence and shuffling before I felt the bed sink a little. "Hey, I'm sorry about pushing you earlier. I thought it was just a bit of teasing, and didn't realize you'd feel upset. I won't do it again," she apologized while turning over to me.

I felt a little shocked, it was the first apology that hadn't tried to make me feel bad for being upset. It felt nice. I looked back at her and slightly smiled, "It's okay, I forgive you."

She smiled wide and hugged me, "Oh good I thought you were gonna be mad at me for foreverrr!"

I stiffened and awkwardly patted her, "I don't think I could be even if I wanted to." She let go and I smiled, slightly tearing up. Maybe staying here isn't so bad. After wiping my eyes I noticed she had been looking over my shoulder at something. I then turned around to realize I hadn't turned off my phone.

"You having a bit of friend trouble?" she asked as she sat up. I sighed and looked at the phone. Still no answer. Hopefully this doesn't last long. I nodded and flopped back on my bed.

I sighed, "He's been ignoring me since lunch today, I still have no idea what I did but it's enough to not answer my texts."

She nodded and hummed. Then grabbed my phone. THEN GRABBED MY PHONE!!??!???!

"Hey hey what are you doing!" I yelled reaching for my phone. She started laughing and held the phone up typing away. HOW IS SHE TYPING SO FAST WITH HER THUMB???? I finally grabbed the phone and held it in my hands.

"AHA! Why would you do that?!" I screamed.

She looked over and then her smile had slowly turned into one of dread, "I didn't, you did." I looked at her confused then looked back at my phone. My heart sunk, the message read:

(Y/N): We sh0uld maeT et th parK In 10

That's it, I'm gone, I'm digging my grave, I cant do this anymore. Daisy chuckled nervously, "Hey maybe this'll be good for you guys... if he sees it." I'm doomed.

"Well you got 10 minutes you better get there before you miss your chance to speak to him!" Daisy said before leaping off the bed and running out of the room. I am going to faint.

~~10 Minutes Later~~

My heart's beating out of my chest. I can't believe I actually followed through. I don't even think he'll come, he probably hasn't even seen the message. Damn its cold out here. I sniffed and shivered, rubbing my arms up and down I looked around to see if he had shown up yet.


Recognizing the voice I turned around to face Tweek. He looked as if he was out for as long as me, if not longer. His nose and cheeks were red and he was shivering. Snow covered his shoulders. I looked him in his eyes, readying myself for a question with an answer that I wasn't exactly ready to hear.

Tweek's POV

"Why have you been avoiding me?"

I figured it was about that. I don't know what to say, I'm here but I have no answer. What do I say? He's changed a lot of my feelings, he's confusing me. He's something that I shouldn't want but can't help being interested in. I shifted and looked away from his (e/c) eyes, looking to the floor I furrowed my eyebrows. How do I answer? I have no idea how to describe how I feel.

"Tweek please, I really like you. You're my only friend. I don't know what I did but if you tell me I can try and fix it," (Y/N) said tugging on my sleeve.

I looked at him and noticed that he was crying. He sniffled and breathed in, "Please..."

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. I felt my heart pounding out of my chest opening my mouth I spoke, "How about we go inside first?"

I grabbed his hand and slowly pulled away. We walked back to his place, walking inside and passing Daisy I slightly waved and she waved back while giving me a look that said 'What happened?' I looked down and continued walking up the stairs with (Y/N). As we got into his room he let go of my hand and sat down, hugging himself.


I hugged myself and looked at the ground. He still hasn't said anything about why he's been avoiding me. He sat down beside me at the edge of the bed. Then he spoke, "You're confusing. I don't know how to feel."

Confusing. "How so," I asked.

"I can't say, I don't know how but... Craig has a little to do with it," he said.

I looked at him a little confused. It didn't seem like there was much going on between them, but come to think of it they didn't act very buddy-buddy either.

He sighed and spoke again, "Craig and I used to date. We broke up a month ago things are still kind of awkward right now. I still feel a way about him. So when you told me you thought he didn't like you and was intimidating you, I thought it was because of me. So I made distance I don't want you to feel uncomfortable because of me."

I hummed. It makes sense I'm relieved it wasn't something I did but I didn't know they were dating. So is Craig jealous? I smiled at the blonde, "I'm glad I didn't do something. But.. are we still friends?"

He smiled back at me nodded, "Yeah we're still friends." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I wiped my nose and leaned into him. Thank God.


1111 words

(A/N) OKAY THAT'S THE END OF THIS CHAPTER this took forever I have such a hard time thinking sometimes LOL. Anyways got an apology/ explanation chapter how we feelin? Also I got rid of Tweeks stutter. I have a hard time writing it and I head cannon him with anxiety tics. Sorry for the wait, I gotta say that like every time I post. But that's whatchu gotta expect with me. I am active in the comments though or I'm gonna be a little more active. I got Wattpad on my phone again so I will now get notifications. Anyways no need to delay the chapter anymore. Thank y'all for being patient <333

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