Chapter 2- Time To Get Stupider

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(M/N)'s POV

It's been 2 whole weeks and I'm finally enrolled in school, great now I can get my education. Everyone in this town is superrr weird. Every time I'm outside people are staring. The café is pretty chill though, well, when Tweek's friends aren't around. Oh yeah, I met a kid named Tweek at the shop. Creepiest experience of my life. Anyway, he's really cool and likes a lot of things I like. Apparently the people around here aren't used to new people. He said something about not seeing a new person since he was 9? That's weird, but this town is weird they probably scare all the new people away. I told him about me going to the school and he was excited. He invited me to sit with him during lunch, I was going to decline and sit alone but he was persistent so I agreed.

~~Time Skip~~

I woke up to an annoyingly loud alarm. I sat up and shut off. But then I remembered I had school today, so I kept sleeping. That's when Daisy burst in.

"WAKE UP KID!" She screamed.

"With how loud your screaming everyone in the neighborhood will." I mumbled rolling over.

She then grabbed my blanket. My solitude of warmth... Of course, everything is ruined because of school. She ran off with my blanket which left me without a blanket on my mattress. My stupid parents forgot to give the movers my bed frame. It's whatever really, Daisy was going to get me a bed frame later anyways but I'm still pissed. I sighed and rubbed my face. Getting up, I went to the bathroom switched clothes quickly, pulled on my shoes, and grabbed my bag. All in 10 minutes. Sick. What's not sick? Oh, just the fact that Daisy left me which means I'd have to walk to school. Then I realized it's fairly cold in the morning. Fan-fucking- tastic. I huffed, grabbed my earbuds and keychain. Then I was on my way.

Word count 335
I swear these chapters are so short. I promise the next one is gonna be longer. And I'll try to upload more. How long ago did I write the first chapter? Exactly. I promise I'll get better about uploading.

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