Chapter 1- Taking Your Time

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POV Narrator

It was funny how difficult life can get when you don't even know how to control your own mind. This is (M/N) (L/N), for all his life he's had massive outbursts towards his parents. Of course, no one knew why, but nobody ever took the time to dig any deeper. You see, if they did, they would've noticed how much (M/N) was neglected. So when (M/N) would have his outbursts they were mostly for attention. But now he's a teenager about to turn 16 in 2 weeks. So you would've thought he would've gotten a hold of it. So did everyone else until one day when he got a hold of a knife. That was 1 week ago. He's now in the care of his aunt who lives in a snowy town up in the mountains called South Park. He knew he didn't want to go. He didn't hurt anyone so he didn't see why it was such a big deal. He still loved his parents and he barely even knew his aunt. But, his family forced him. (As the only ones that knew) Which brings him to now, in front of a two story red house that hurt his eyes.


Here I am, hours away from home, in a town I've never even heard of, with a lady I've never met. That would've been a serious problem if it wasn't my aunt, Daisy. I don't see why she's taking care of me. She's barely even 21. She's young though so that might mean she isn't going to be too strict.

"(M/N)! What's taking you so long to get in the house?" Daisy shouted.

I sighed and replied, "Sorry! Got distracted I'm coming!"

I quickly ran up the stairs and into the house. Daisy stood at the bottom of the staircase and gestured towards me to follow her. I obliged and walked up the stairs  into my room which seemed quite spacious and painted (f/c).

"Here's your room," Daisy smiled.

I nodded and put my things down. I don't have a lot thanks to my big move and not everything is here yet. So I got all of my stuff in the two boxes I had carried up the stairs. Minus my bed and drawers which would be coming tomorrow. Looking around, I decided that I had enough of the stuffy room and wanted to go out. I grabbed some money I brought with me and trudged out. Once I was downstairs I wrote a quick note to Daisy, who was in the shower at the time, to let her know I had left to explore the town. It was early noon so I had plenty of time before sundown.  And decided to look at the school first. Not that I enjoy school but might as well get a quick look at where I'm going.

~~Time Skip~~

It didn't take that long to get there, I walked past a coffee shop on the way. I was tempted to get a coffee, but a blonde boy in the window along with four other dudes were staring me down. It was really creepy so I decided to take a rain check. The school looked worn down, the paint was peeling off the walls, and the flags were very dirty. There wasn't much to see so I left. I started craving coffee more and more and curiosity got the better of me, so I gave in and started walking back to the café.

Word count: 577

This is a test run and I'll try and continue this book. This isn't the first book I've written but it is the first one I'm actually invested in. So I want to know if I should keep writing this?

Edit: Changed some grammar mistakes and spelling errors - 4/5/2021

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