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Leslie’s POV

I am napping in my table here in the office where I was assigned to do my OJT (On the Job Training) here in Nomad Editing Company, Inc. where I am undergoing my training as a future Visual Effects Producer. I wasn’t feeling comfortable since yesterday, since Jade left for college.

“Hey Leslie, are you okay?” a tapped in my back fidget me.

“Yeah I’m fine. Don’t mind me” I said to Grace with worn-out smile while napping again. I heard her sigh as she tickled me in my left ear. I groaned while taking her hands off away from me, and then she stopped and hugged me in my side.

“I would love to ignore you if this is your house and you’re not in sort of… training?” she said while chuckling and pulling me in the chair where I’m sitting. A smile drew on my face while I tried my best to get up to continue my day. I went to my table and review all the films that I edited; I scroll it and open one by one.

After maybe 3 hours of viewing and playing it all, there’s one film that really catches my attention. The story is familiar, I’m not sure about the beginning and ending but the characters and other scenes, quite confused me.

I was concentrating in viewing all the films, when someone greeted me behind my back. I turn my sight to the person and found myself gazing to this one. She smirked at me while I’m finding my voice, I don’t know where this human came from but she looks so out of place by her beauty. I wanted to laugh to thank god with all my heart \^o^/ for giving me a relief when my Jade is not here.

“What time will you decide to talk?” she asked me giving me a dork look. “I’ll just wait here till you find words to say, and by the way that film you’ve been playing now” she pointed the computer “that’s mine” she said as she turn her way back to the chairs where customers are supposed to sit.

“Uhm… wait” I said while stuttering. “I just wanted to ask your number”

Yeah that’s what men do, grabbing the opportunity faster than a falling meteorite wahahha!

“Hmm?” she asked me with a silly smile. “For what?”

“About the film, there’s still parts of your film that-“I did not finish talking when she a handed me her calling card.

“just look for me in that address I’m not comfortable discussing anything about my film when not in our house, and I’m in a hurry so is it okay miss…” she roam her eyes looking for my name plate and when she saw a smile drew from her face, oh gosh a cherry bomb “got it, miss Leslie Gonzales?” she winked at me that my cherry almost cry.


“OKAY! That would be awesome, later” I said calmly even though my libido is getting wild. Ha-ha! No! This is for Jade, I’m just trying to be happy, and this is just playing.

I get her calling card while I touched her hand, she smile perfectly and wave goodbye to me. I stare at her walking towards the exit, and then a snapped in my fantasy ruined my day because a man kissed her, maybe her boyfriend? But nah… easy I’ve done this many times -_^\m/

I waited for my out to go to the place of… yeah perfect, I don’t know her name and it isn’t indicated in her calling card. Could that be possible?

“Hey” I turned my sight to Jack who’s holding bunch of CD’s looking so exhausted while rolling his eyes to me which for I know he wanted me get lost in his sight because I’m over to my work for this day, and he’ll be the one who’s going to handle nightshift where all of the old CD’s to new ones where being held up.

“What’s that face Jack?” I asked pouting. I wanted to piss him every time he got into a situation like this, being worn-out while I just like having rest day. “Uh-oh, that’s not great Jack, start your night with a bright smile from this big city” I said humming.

“Just get out in here Lesliebian, and don’t forget to say sorry to Madeline for fucking her and leaving her in your backyard naked!” well, I’m not that bad, it’s just that Madeline told me about something that I didn’t like. She told me that Alicia is someone who plays dirty game and one of her victims was my Jade.

So then I seduced her and because she’s an easy whore… I go down deep oh! Ah!

Madeline was our freaky neighbor who steals undergarments of Jade and displays it in a picture frame, she is so lunatic.There's a time where I found her smelling it like drugs, and her eyes was like she's having exorcism. -__- weird.

“Okay, gotta go and take care Jack with Jill JERKING IN THE HILL-“I jumped  out immediately when he threw one of the plastic chairs in his side.

“Are you an alien?! Fuck you Leslie! I swear I’ll cut your clitoris and give to the needy gay!!!” I glance at him and smirked while putting my helmet on “Don’t worry, I’ll give you some… from the pig” and started to switch my engine in my motorcycle.

After half an hour I arrive to the said address, which the road I passed by was really creepy. I feel like I’m in a movie where Mickey mouse is a killer, and I’m going to be mutilated. The trees are having cancer, no leaves just trunks. There’s a fish pond but neither fish nor frog or plants exist, the road is rocky and I roamed my eyes in the house…

Grand design huh, I park my motorcycle just at the front of the house of the beautiful woman. The air sweeping my hair aside is chilly; I shrugged when I’m having Goosebumps already, I took three steps having doubts if I should enter the house and of course knock first.

Approximately 7 steps away from the door, I called out “Any one?” no response.

I took one step forward, “Hello? Miss? This is Leslie from-FUCK!” I punched the person behind me who I thought a ghost or a serial killer who tapped me in my back while the hand is shaking. I’m catching my breath because of the tense that I feel; I hold and crunch my chest. The person behind me is now in the ground, unconscious.

I go near to the person, which was covered by a comforter and regretted the whole punching I did.

I swipe away her hair falling in her face and did try to lift her body up. I wanted to throw her down on the ground or it might do something in my libido which would do some history in this place that a girl fucked an unconscious woman whose damn hot naked.

Yeah… She’s naked. Oh my Gawd ^3^



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