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        The sun set as the cats finished eating their prey. Yawns spread out around the circle of cats, one after the other. "Well, I think its time I get some sleep," a young, fluffy white she-cat mewed, stretching her gray striped spots as she grabbed the ground to curl her back. She turned her blue eyes to her kin, tiredness in her eyes. "Are you coming, Clove?" The fluffy, white tom got up from his laying spot. His orange striped spots a little brown from the dirt. He nodded to his sister, then turned his hazel gaze around the group of cats. "Goodnight everyone." Clove and his sister padded away towards the young-ones den, and the only thing left in sight was Clove's orange tabby tail as he disappeared into the den. 

   The cats slowly padded away from the group one by one, leaving only a tall, black tom and a sand-colored she-cat sitting side by side.  "I'm pretty tired too," she-cat yawned. "Aren't you? You hunted for half the day for the prey we ate tonight." She nudged the black tom. "I'm not too tired yet," the black tom mewed. "You don't have to pretend to be the strongest cat around y'know," the sand-colored she-cat purred. The black tom licked the white spot on his chest with a little bit of embarrassment. "I'm not trying to be. I'm just not tired yet." "Whatever you say," the she-cat shrugged. "How about you go fix our nests? When you're done I'll come in to sleep." "Making me do your job," the she-cat teased, "how kind of you." The black tom watched her walk over to the smaller red building that was next to the giant red building and disappear inside. He turned his gaze back up to the stars, watching them shine down and light the world around him. A cool breeze swept by, sending shivers through the tom from its icy touch. He closed his eyes, letting the peacefulness of the silence that surrounded him. A crunch of a leaf brought him back into reality, swinging his eyes open and his head forward. He glanced around, his hackles rising as he didn't smell or see anyone.

   He got to his paws, searching for any signs of another animal in their land. "Whos there?" He growled, his eyes scanning the scenery around him. Not a scent came to him, nor another sound. He unsheathed his claws, unease filling his belly. A whisper, almost as quiet as the silence that had been bothered by the leaf crunch, flew through the air next to him. "There will be five, calico, blue, black, white, gray. You must help them with what they ask of you, or you all will perish in the paws of evil." The black tom swung around to face the voice that had spoke to him. An icy chill flew through him as no one was there. He stared at the spot for a moment, the voice's words playing over and over again in his mind. There will be five, calico, blue, black, white, gray. You must help them with what they ask of you, or you will all perish in the paws of evil. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts away and to relax. He sat down, letting his fur relax against his spine. He tried to convince himself that it was only his uneasiness that made him hear a 'voice', and that he had made it up.

    The black tom stared at the stars again, watching his favorite ones shoot across the sky. At once, five of the shooting stars shot in the same direction, all together in sync. The words crept into his head again, making him shiver. He had to of heard someone speaking to him, the stars were a sign of it. He's sure of that. He stared at the stars a moment longer, then turned his gaze in front of him. "What am I supposed to do? What does it mean?" Whispering to himself, he lashed his tail in frustration. "I'm not going to let random strangers into my home and threaten my family," he growled. "Not again." A noise distant of him came from behind him. He swung his gaze to look behind him, only to see the sand-colored she-cat sticking her head out of the red building. "Are you coming, Courage?" She called. The black tom got to his paws,  "yeah, I'm coming." He padded over to his den, sending one last glance over his shoulder. Something had been watching him, and it was making sure he listened.

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