Chapter Seven

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    Ivypaw picked up the massive rabbit in his jaws, then followed Leafstride back to the others. "Looks like we're the first ones back," Leafstride mewed quietly, then sat with his tail wrapped around his paws. Ivypaw guessed that he was trying to be quiet in case the others were hunting around them. He placed the rabbit down silently, his mouth watering as he stared at it. He opened his mouth to take a bite, then stopped himself. What if the others don't catch anything and his rabbit was the only thing they had? He looked over at the back of Leafstride, who had his ears perked and staring into the dark forest around them. These cats are the closest things Ivypaw had to his clan now, he had to make sure the cats had prey to eat. He took a step back and sat with his back to the rabbit, looking into the dark trees around him.

  It was eerie out here, all the strong, new scents made it hard to tell if anything was around you. It was also so dark you wouldn't be able to see if anything was out there. A shiver ran down Ivypaw's spine, what if something was watching him right now? He shot his gaze over to Leafstride, looking to see if he was scared too. The calico tom was still sitting peacefully, ears perked, staring into the forest, and silent. He was calm, unbothered even. Ivypaw relaxed a little as he stared at Leafstride. He was so focused, if he heard anything or smelt anything, he would warn Ivypaw and protect him. He was a warrior after-all.

   He changed his position to sit exactly like Leafstride. Maybe if he sat like him he wouldn't be frightened either. He sat there, listening quietly and staring into the dark forest. He wondered if anyone had noticed if he was gone yet. Of course not, he shook out his fur, it's the middle of the night fur-brain. A noise from behind him made him jump, he spun around to see Leafstride standing with a fierce look in his eye at the forest. Ivypaw jumped to his paws, if Leafstride was scared then he was too. "Relax, relax," a deep mew came from the bushes, and a strange red-ish brown tom padded through, a large scar across his face and leg. "I'm won't bring you any harm," he meowed, his whiskers twitching. Ivypaw stepped over his rabbit, protecting the prey. Leafstride took a step forward, "what do you want?"

    "I just wanted to speak with you," the tom mewed, his yellow eyes glancing over at Ivypaw. "We don't want to talk," Ivypaw let out a low growl, "go away." "You must be new around here," the tom looked back to Leafstride, who was still standing with his head high. "I'm Talon." Leafstride dipped his head, "I'm Leafstride, from Frostclan." Talon's eyes grew interested, "you live with the group of cats by the river, don't you?" Leafstride nodded, "yes, we do. Why do you want to speak with us?" "I just wanted to introduce myself," Talon glanced over at Ivypaw, "so are you guys good fighters?" "Of course we are," Leafstride nodded towards Ivypaw, "he could take a full-grown badger if he needed to." Talon turned his yellow gaze to Ivypaw, interest filling them. "Who are you?" Another mew broke into the clearing, and the dark gray tabby fur of a large, familiar tom padded through the trees, a vole hanging from his jaws. He dropped it and trotted over next to Leafstride. "And who's this?" Talon asked, staring questioningly at Brightshade. "None of your business," Brightshade grunted, "thanks for stopping by, you can go now."

    "You seem like you could take on a few cats, or a couple of foxes," Talon mewed, studying Brightshade. Brightshade glared at the tom, "yeah, I could. So you better get out of here before I attack you." Talon seemed unbothered by Brightshade's threats, getting closer to Brightshade. Ivypaw watched, unease creeping in his belly as the red tom studied Brightshade, coming closer and closer. "One more step and your muzzle is gone," Brightshade growled, unsheathing his claws. "I'm sorry," Talon took a pace backwards, "I didn't mean to startle you." Brightshade opened his mouth to speak again, but Leafstride spoke first. "We're thankful for your hello and compliments, but you need to leave now." "And why's that?" Talon challenged. Leafstride sighed, "you're not going to leave, are you?" Talon sat down, "nope."

   "Maybe Mistfoot will get rid of him, she won't hesitate to claw his ears off," Brightshade muttered. "Mistfoot?" Talon's voice grew curious, "is that the gray-blue she-cat that was with you lot?" Leafstride's gaze looked uncertain as he answered his question, "yes." "And the younger sand-colored she-cat?" "Why's this matter to you?" Brightshade hissed. "Dunno, just curious I guess," Talon shrugged. "Go be curious somewhere else rogue," Brightshade glared at him. "Rogue? That's a new one," Talon mused.

    "Who are you?" A growl sounded from behind Ivypaw, making him jump. Mistfoot was standing behind him, anger clearly boiling through her. "Ah, you must be Mistfoot. It's nice to meet you," Talon mewed. Mistfoot shot a glare to Leafstride, "who is this?" "Talon," Brightshade grunted. "I wasn't talking to you," Mistfoot spat. The angry she-cat turned her gaze back to Talon. "You better go now, or I will shred all your fur off and use it for my nest tonight." Mistfoot's words made Ivypaw shiver, he wouldn't want that to happen to him. "I'm not going anywhere." Mistfoot shouldered her way past Ivypaw, standing a whisker away from Talon's face. "I'm giving you one more chance," Mistfoot growled. "I'm not leaving," Talon looked like he was having fun messing with her.

    Without giving a chance for even a heart to beat, Mistfoot slashed Talon's muzzle. Leafstride jumped to his paws and charged next to Mistfoot, ready to back her up for a fight. Brightshade turned his gaze to Palepaw, who was now standing next to Ivypaw. Talon's eyes were cold, glaring at Mistfoot. "I was just trying to meet you," the tom growled. "I warned you to leave, so go," Mistfoot spat. Talon gave her a hateful glance, then turned and bounded away. "Stupid rogues." The blue she-cat walked back to behind Ivypaw, picking up her squirrels and mouse her and Palepaw caught. "Let's eat." None of the four cats with her said anything, they just listened and ate. Ivypaw glanced up, watching as Leafstride gave Mistfoot a thankful glance, then went back to eating.

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