Chapter Thirty-Two

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      Mistfoot was sitting with Leafstride and Dawn, who were busy chatting away about how the morning hunt went. She was staring at Echo, who was getting along just fine with the Frostclan medicine cats. Silverspring didn't seem to like Echo at first, but they were getting closer, close enough to talk everyday and share prey and laughs. Mistfoot's heart stang when she remembered doing that with her friends at Fireclan, but she turned to glance at Leafstride who returned a warm gaze. The ache in her chest went away with ease, and Leafstride excused himself to be with Mistfoot. "Want to go for a walk?" He asked. His mew was soothing, and Mistfoot could appreciate a walk away from the Frostclan camp. She got to her paws, "sure." Leafstride nodded, then led the way out of camp. They trotted side by side, their fur brushing against each other. "So," Leafstride broke the peaceful silence with a calm mew. "What's going on?" Mistfoot glanced at her paws, watching them trace the forest floor, "I guess I'm just struggling a little bit." Leafstride gave her a sympathetic glance, "that's okay, Mistfoot. I figured you'd miss your clan, you loved them with all your heart." Mistfoot stared at him, "but my heart loved you more." Leafstride let out a purr, "and I am very thankful for that, because mine loves you more than anything too, Mistfoot. It's okay to miss your home though, you did grow up there after all, and it's where your kin was."

     Mistfoot felt her heart start to ache again, Leafstride was right. Just because she no longer had her parents, and no siblings, doesn't mean she feels like she abandoned her kin there. She leaned her head against his shoulder, letting herself feel the sadness. Maybe if she let it run through her, it would disappear. Leafstride gave her a small lick on her head, which helped a little but not as much as Mistfoot would have hoped for. "What can we do to get your mind off of it?" Leafstride asked, his mew low. Mistfoot sighed, "I don't know. I don't think anything could help." "Of course it can," Leafstride jumped in front of her, then pressed his nose forcefully against hers. Her body grew tense, and her ears were prickling. "There's always something we can do," he mewed, his words filling Mistfoot with hope. He pulled his nose away from hers, leaving hers to feel cold. "Let's see," Leafstride murmured, glancing around them. Then he spun to her, mischief lighting his gaze like a kit. "What?" Mistfoot asked. "I have an idea, and you have to agree with it," Leafstride swished his tail. Mistfoot rolled her eyes, but only felt affection towards the tom, "okay, what is it?"

    "We're going to get you used to this territory," Leafstride puffed his chest, "I'll hide while you try to hunt me down, and don't worry, we won't go close to camp so you don't have to be embarrassed. Once you find me, I'll hunt you. Got it?" "This is a kit game Leafstride." "This is called fun, Mistfoot. Get used to it, you're with me now." Her heart was bubbling, she would never had done this type of stuff in Fireclan. "Give me a few moments and then come find me," Leafstride shoved her playfully, "and no cheating!" She rolled her eyes again, but let out a small purr. She turned away and listened as Leafstride sprinted away. She gave him a few heartbeats, then turned around ready to find him. Her ears were perked, and her nose was sniffing the air. It wasn't hard to find his scent, it was the only one she could pick up in this territory. She glanced up at the trees, but decided he wouldn't be up there. Leafstride didn't like climbing trees, and he made Mistfoot promise she wouldn't climb them anymore since the Slayer incident. She shivered, what if Slayer was watching her now? Nerves started spiking her paws like thorns. She better find Leafstride soon, she was starting to stress a bit.

     She followed his scent, entering High Trees. Leafstride taught her about this place because of how tall the trees were, the biggest trees she'd ever seen before. She glanced around the trees, but there was no sign of him. His scent kept going beyond the area, and she trotted after it. His scent was heading towards the Running River, towards Meeting Rocks. His scent was getting stronger now, and Mistfoot decided it would be better if she hid amongst the bushes to where he couldn't see her. If he couldn't see her, he couldn't run. She crouched along the bush line, peaking through the small gaps and holes in the bushes. She made sure she didn't shake them too much, not giving any sign of her being there. His scent was fresh here, and he was definitely close by. She paused, glancing around. Then she saw a hole under a rock, he had to be there. She slowly crouched over to it, his scent growing stronger every pawstep. She stopped a couple of pawsteps away from the hole. He was there. She wiggled her haunches, ready to pounce on him when he would stick his head out.

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