Chapter Thirty-Five

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     Palepounce was chatting with Streamfrost at the training place, watching Troutpaw and Acornpaw battle training together. Their mentor's, Hareleap and Longclaw were lecturing the apprentice's on the other side of the clearing. Palepounce was waiting for Hawk to get back from the sunhigh hunting patrol, since she promised him that they could hang out today. He had been gone for a while though, and Palepounce was having fun with Streamfrost and watching the apprentice's. To be honest, Palepounce was kind of hoping it would take Hawk a while to get back so she could spend a bit more time with the light-gray tabby tom. The question was still burning in her head about who Streamfrost liked, and her paws twitched with anticipation. "So," she mewed, and Streamfrost turned to look at her. He was lying down and she was sitting, staring down at him. "So?" Streamfrost asked. Palepounce shifted her paws, "would you like to tell me who you like yet?" Streamfrost let out a small snicker, "you wish." "Come on Streamtfrost!" Palepounced whined, "just tell me!" "Let me think about it," Streamfrost mewed, pausing for some time, "no." "Why?" The tom tilted his gaze and just gave her a stare. "I promise I won't tell her," Palepounce whined again. "You're acting like a kit," Streamfrost mewed with amusement.

    "I'm just curious," Palepounce grunted. The hunting patrol appearing in the distance caught her eye, and she saw that Hawk was holding a plump rabbit in his jaws. He padded over to them, placing his rabbit at her paws. "Hi, Palepounce," Hawk mewed warmly, then turned his gaze and dipped his head to Streamfrost, "Streamfrost." Streamfrost dipped his head as well, then got to his paws. "It's time for me to go now, you two have fun okay? Bye Palepounce!" The tom waved his tail in farewell, then trotted away. "I caught this rabbit for you," Hawk mewed. Palepounce could see the pride in his eyes. "Thank you," she mewed. Ever since the two had their fight, Hawk had been acting more kindly towards her, and even towards Streamfrost too. "Come on, let's go back to camp to share it," he mewed enthusiastically. Palepounce got to her paws, watching him collect his rabbit. She followed him side by side back to camp, noticing a little bounce in his step. "You must be in a good mood today," Palepounce's whiskers twitched with amusement. "Of course I am, look at this rabbit!" Hawk's mew was muffled by the rabbit fur, and Palepounce let out a little laugh.

     "It's a massive rabbit," Palepounce agreed. Hawk held his head high, "thank you." The two made it back to camp in no time, crossing the river and reaching the entrance. "We can share it later, I'm not very hungry," Palepunce confessed. Hawk nodded, "I'm not hungry either." She watched him trot over to the large pile of prey, placing the rabbit gently into the pile and coming back to Palepounce. "So, what do you want to do today?" He asked. Palepounce shrugged, "I have free time, we can do whatever we want." "Hey, Palepounce." Night's call made her turn her head. He and Maple were walking towards her and Hawk. "Lightningstar said something about a gathering tonight?" He meowed. The gathering! "I forgot about that! Every moon, all the clans go to a gathering to inform each other on how the clan is doing and any big news, like threats, kits, warriors." She stopped. Warriors, Lightningstar would be announcing her as a warrior tonight. Nerves crept into her, but excitement too. "So we are all going then?" Maple asked. Palepounce shook her head, "only some cats go, the leaders choose who to bring. I'm sure Night will be going though, since he is one leader of the Wild Ones." Night nodded slowly, "okay. Thank you, Palepounce." Palepounce dipped her head respectfully, then watched the two cats walk away together back to where the barn cats normally huddled.

    "Are you going to go?" Hawk asked. Palepounce shrugged, "I might. I think I will because Lightningstar will have to announce me as a new warrior." Hawk leaned in closer, "am I going?" "I don't know, Lightningstar gets to choose." Hawk sighed, "so much for hanging out today." Palepounce shouldered him playfully, "it's not til tonight. We have time." His eyes lit up, "okay, what are we going to do?" "We'll go sunbathe at Blazing Rocks," Palepounce announced, "to relax." Hawk didn't argue just nodded his head, "lead the way." Palepounce bounded away back outside of camp, Hawk on her heels. "Want to race there?" She asked. Hawk shifted his paws, "I've only seen the place once, I don't really know where it is." "Just run straight that way," Palepounce pointed with her nose. Hawk shifted his paws again, "it's the one with the sun beaming onto the stones, right?" Palepounce nodded, "exactly." He looked determined now. "Okay, let's do it." The two cats crouched down, "in three. Two. One. Go!" She sprinted off, but Hawk flew right past her. She picked up her speed, keeping in touch with his tail. She would have to push herself to beat him there, he was really fast. She could feel her muscles starting to burn the more and more she pushed herself, but she was right next to him now. He gave her a competitive glare, then seemed to be getting ahead of her again.

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