Chapter Two

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    Leafstride watched as Mistfoot brushed past him, trying to ignore her hostility. Him and his clanmates had just saved her from a fox that would have either killed her, or left her to slowly die on her own. Why was she being so rude to them? He kept his mouth shut though as he followed her back into her territory, he didn't want to make any enemies today. "Where were the rest of your clanmates? Weren't any of them around to help you fight off the fox?" Leafstride asked. Mistfoot growled, "they were coming." Leafstride grunted, "Splashstar would never leave one of his warriors to fight off a fox alone." Mistfoot swung her head backwards, glaring at him while her fur started to rise. "Silverstar is a great leader. It wasn't her fault your clan drove a fox into our territory and then broke the warrior code to 'help' with it. Splashstar just wanted a tour of our territory, but Silverstar is too smart for your fur-ball leader. Now I'd shut your mouth before you get into any more trouble than you are, flea-pelt." She flung her gaze back forward and lashed her tail in frustration as she started to walk again. Wow, she's defensive, Leafstride thought to himself as he followed her. However, he had to admit he admired her loyalty to her clan, not even letting him talk about her clan in a bad way, even though they weren't around them.

  He heard voices in the distance, and he could smell his clanmates' scents. Mistfoot trotted a little faster, not even glancing over her shoulder to make sure Leafstride was following her still. "We could have chased the fox out ourselves." A hostile mew came from ahead. "One of your warriors would have been killed if we hadn't of followed the fox." Leafstride heard his fellow clanmate, Squirrelblaze argue back. He followed Mistfoot through the trees and up the hill, he now had sight of his clanmates, along with Fireclan warriors. "Mistfoot, where have you been?" A dark gray tom with a dark gray tail and light underbelly growled. Mistfoot's ears flattened as she gazed at the tom's angry yellow eyes. "I attacked the fox and chased it out of the territory," her mew wasn't hostile at all anymore, if anything, it sounded sad and small like a kit who had gotten into trouble. "From what we've heard, these Frostclan warriors had to save you," the tom growled, glaring at the Frostclan warriors. Mistfoot's ears shot up, "thats not true!" Her mew was hostile again as she glared at the warriors, "I would have been fine. You just think thats an excuse to coming into our territory." "You would have been killed if we hadn't shown up!" Streamflight spat. "We aren't here to start a fight," Twisteddusk's mew was firm as she gazed at her clanmate, "Leafstride is back now, so we can return to Frostclan's territory." A light gray tabby she-cat stepped forward now, a hard, teal gaze staring at the Frostclan's warriors. Leafstride knew this cat, everyone should since she was one of the four leaders. "Tell Splashstar thank you for thinking of another clan's safety, but Mistfoot would have been fine even if you weren't here. Fireclan's warriors are strong, and are always ready for a fight when one comes along." Leafstride got the hint in Silverstar's words, letting the Frostclan warriors know that even though they helped Fireclan doesn't mean Fireclan is weak, and are always prepared for a battle.

   Twisteddusk dipped her head in respect to the leader, "I'll let him know, Silverstar. We'll be on our way now." "I'll send a patrol to escort you," Silverstar turned her gaze to her clanmates. "Splashclaw," the gray tom that had confronted Mistfoot stood taller, glaring at the Frostclan warriors, "Clawstorm," a black tom with a gray face nodded to his leader, "Nightglow," a black she-cat turned her gaze to the Frostclan warriors, not giving anything away. "And Mistfoot," Silverstar's mew was hard when she said Mistfoot's name. "You're sending an injured cat to send away a patrol of another clan?" Streamflight's mew was questioning, as if not believing the Fireclan leader. "I'm fine," Mistfoot spat, "I didn't need you or your clanmates to help me. I never even got hurt." Leafstride had to hold his tongue, he had watched her hit her head on the ground and struggle to get up after she fell off the fox. Silverstar nodded, "Mistfoot is a strong warrior, now go." Twisteddusk nodded to the leader, and Splashclaw led the way through Fireclan's territory. Leafstride noticed Mistfoot constantly glancing at Splashclaw, worry flickering in her gaze. She must think she's going to be in trouble, Leafstride thought as Mistfoot did it again. "Heres the border," Splashclaw's mew was firm. "Thank you," Twisteddusk dipped her head to the gray tom. "Why are we thanking them? They should be thanking us," Streamflight protested. Twisteddusk glared at her clanmate, flicking her tail in order to silence her. "We appreciate your help, even if it wasn't needed," Splashclaw glanced at Mistfoot, who was staring at her paws. Twisteddusk nodded to her clanmates, "lets go." Leafstride sent one last glance to Mistfoot, but she was staring at Splashclaw, her expression unreadable.

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