The Throne Room

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Loki sat on his throne, his knee propped up beside him. He scanned the helmets of all the faceless Death Watch Mandalorians. They stood in clumps around the throne room, low voices talking.

This would get the attention of the Jedi for sure. And his brother would follow, for he could not resist whispers.

There was a reason he'd let Bo-Katan and her group of traitors, "Night Owls", go – well, two reasons, actually. One, he knew they were right – he should not be ruler of these people. Two, she would certainly break her imprisoned sister out of confinement. Then, she would contact the Jedi council, which would then bring Thor here, alone, for he would have to come without the approval of the Senate or the Council...

There was a reason Loki had supported Mandalore's neutrality, way back in the early days of the war. Perhaps he hadn't known it at the time, but now, he was grateful. His revenge would be simple, and in the end, he'd have everything he'd ever wanted; vengeance, power, respect, and freedom. 

He looked down at the hilt of the weapon on his hip - he knew he was undeserving of this blade. He was not worthy of this throne. However, he had it nonetheless. Therefore, it was his. 

He smirked. All the pieces would fall right into place. 

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