S1 E6 - Gganbu {Part 1}

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Standing in 4 lines, the players were silent. The siren had thankfully stopped and the guards were going down each line and doing a headcount.

Once that was over, PA music came on and the announcer announced.

"Attention, the fourth game is about to begin. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall."

She repeated it and each line was led by a guard to the game hall. As Ji-ah walked, they got to the colorful room and she gasped when she looked up and saw a player and four guards hanging by their hands.

Everyone stopped and stared as well in shock. A guard spoke.

"Players, what you witness before you is what remains of those who broke the rules for their own benefit. They taunted the pure and fair ideology everything here has been built upon. Each and every one of you is considered an equal within the walls of this facility. You must be guaranteed the same opportunities without being disadvantaged of facing any kind of discrimination. We truly apologise for allowing such an unacceptable incident to occur."

Once he had finished speaking, the players continued to walk on. Everyone entered the bright white room and stood in their groups. The voice came from the speaker again.

"Players, welcome to the fourth game. For this game, you will be playing in teams of two. Please look around and find someone you wish to play with. When two people agree to play together, shake hands to show you have become partners."

She repeated it again and everyone started looking around for a partner. Mi-nyeo began begging people to be her partner and Ji-ah rolled her eyes. Sae-byeok uttered monotonously.

"Stop embarrassing yourself, no one will want to play with you like this. And you should all be honest, you don't want a girl to team up with, or an old guy."

196 inputted.

"Of course we don't, we could die. We almost died in the previous round."

244 added.

"This man is right, and it was Adam's rib the Lord used to make Eve after all. And that's the reason we're choosing men. They played different roles than women."

Ji-ah started laughing loudly and she stated in hysterics.

"I'm sorry, but I can not take you seriously when you mentioned the "Lord", because the only Lord I am thinking of, is Voldemort. And now I'm literally imagining Lord Voldemort with his bald head and no nose."

People ignored her and 240 muttered to the man.

"We're not playing in Eden right now."

Sae-byeok stood up and went to walk off when Gi-hun spoke up.

"Uh, hold on a second."

Sae-byeok stopped and looked at Gi-hun before asking.

"What? You want a girl?"

Gi-hun didn't answer and Sae-byeok walked off, Ji-ah and 240 then walked off too as they were fed up with the sexism.

As Ji-ah was walking around, minding her own business, she looked up to see Sae-byeok talking to 240 and then they shook hands. Ji-ah immediately looked away and frowned in disappointment, but she was then tapped on the shoulder.

Turning around, Ji-ah was met with an enthusiastic looking woman. She was smiling until she asked with a stutter.

"P-Please may we b-be partners? I-I've been w-watching you f-from day one and I q-quite admire y-you."

Ji-ah smiled politely and responded.

"Of course, although, how did I catch your attention?"

The woman smiled and responded.

"I-It's the way y-you carry yourself. You're f-fierce, fiesty and d-don't take any s-shit from anyone. You're c-confident, yet you l-let your guard d-down pretty e-easily. You know w-what to do a-and when to do i-it. Also, you're brave and p-protective when it c-comes to 067 and 199, meaning t-that you care for others when n-no one else d-does."

Ji-ah's mouth dropped and she asked in disbelief.

"That's amazing how you could tell all that by looking at me, but how?"

The woman replied.

"B-Because of my s-s-stuttering problem I've h-had since I w-was young, I'm always q-quiet. Which a-also means that I-I'm quite observant. During t-these games and w-whenever w-we were in the m-main room, I just s-sit and observe e-everyone."

Ji-ah was simply amazed at this woman and stated.

"Well, Player 008, I will be delighted to be your partner. (A/N: I'm not sure if a player 008 is already deceased, but if there isn't, then pretend this women is 008.)

Player 008 smiled so brightly and the two shook hands, but then 008 announced.

"Also, p-please, call me M-Moon. My daughter was a huge fan of y-your Harry P-Potter fanf-fictions."

Ji-ah, smiled, nodded and added.

"Alright, Moon. I'm looking forward to playing in a game together, I can tell we're going to get along pleasantly. And that's sweet, I hope she's doing well."

Moon smiled again but it was lighter than the other smile she did, and as she was about to speak, the voice announced.

"The time for finding a partner is now over."

Mi-nyeo, who was the only one without a partner, stated loudly.

"You guys, you're all making a big mistake. Do you think you can win without me on your team? It's me, Han Mi-nyeo."

She kept ranting and everyone stood up with their partners, the doors opened and people began leaving the room. Mi-nyeo shouted at everybody and begged to be in their pair, but they just shrugged her off as they already had a partner.

And as everyone walked out of the room, they could still hear her screeching and begging. But she soon went quiet.

Well, that was until two guards picked her up by her arms and began dragging her out the room, she continued to scream and shout.

The doors behind everyone shut and they stood in front of several guards. The announcer spoke again.

"Attention, all players. Please follow the staff to your designated positions for the game."

A guard stood in front of Ji-ah and Moon before turning around and walking away, the two girls looked at each other before following him.

They wondered where they were going to be led to until the guard stopped and the announcer spoke again.

"Players, please take one bag each from the staff member before you."

The guard lifted his arms and in each hand, was a bag of something. When the two girls grabbed the bags, they rattled and clinked a little. They then opened the bag and listened as the woman carried on.

"There should be a set of ten marbles in each bag, please check to confirm the number."

Ji-ah tipped her bag upside down and marbles fell into the palm of her hand. She quickly counted them and nodded as there were indeed 10. Moon checked hers as well and nodded.

The PA announced.

"In this game, using your set of ten marbles, you will play the game of your choice with your partner. The player who manages to take all ten marbles from their partner wins."

As if it just clicked, the smiles on their faces were wiped off and they slowly looked at each other. Ji-ah's heart dropped and she scolded herself for not realising sooner. Moon gulped and the two didn't even move as they were frozen in shock.

As they were still, Ji-ah had the idea of just swapping the marbles with each other and then they both could go through, but she had a feeling they would be both killed of they did that as it was too easy.

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