S1 E7 - VIPs {Part 2}

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Everyone was woken up by the familiar classical music and bright light. But what they weren't expecting, was for a box to be carried in. Everyone's eyes followed where the guards were going and stared wide eyed at the man who had lost his wife, hanging on the side of the bunk bed by his bed sheet.

They all watched as a guard got him down.

"Player 034, eliminated."

Ji-ah rested on her elbows and glanced at Sae-byeok who was looking at the scene too. They both were in shock, but knew now that he would be with wife.

The piggy bank gained some more money and there was now 16 players left. Everyone was just in silence and the PA spoke again.

"Attention all players, the fifth game is about to begin. All players, follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall."

Everyone got up and Sae-byeok and Ji-ah walked closely together, holding hands. And every time they would glance at each other, they would blush profusely and have this shit eating grin on their faces.

Once everyone entered the bright white room again, they spotted 16 mannequins with numbered vests on them. As they were in silence, wondering what the next game will be, the PA announced again.

"Welcome players, to the fifth game. Before we begin, please make your way down the steps and choose one of the mannequins that you see presented before you. Once you've chosen, take the corresponding vest. They are numbered 1 through 16."

She repeated it and everyone was just stood still in silence. Well, that was until someone began making their way down the steps and picked number 06. Once he grabbed the vest and walked off, someone else chose a vest, this time, number 07.

Now, other players rushed down and hurriedly picked their number before someone else chose it. But now, all the middle numbers were chosen, leaving 01, 02, 03 and 04, and 013, 014, 015 and 016. The PA spoke again.

"Your attention, please. The numbers you see on the mannequins correspond to the order in which you will be playing. Please make your decision carefully."

Gi-hun stepped forwards and made a beeline for 01, but he suddenly stopped and looked like he was second guessing himself.

But Ji-ah, still holding Sae-byeok's hand, began to drag her down the steps. The two made their way over to the mannequins and unbeknownst to them, the VIPS who were currently watching them, began making dirty jokes about Ji-ah's number being 69 and such.

The others followed them and whilst Sae-byeok chose 15, Ji-ah chose 14 and Sang-woo chose 13. They walked off and they were soon joined with Gi-hun who had 16.

Once everyone had chosen and were now wearing their numbered vests, they were led through two red doors. As they all entered, they looked around and were in awe. It kind of looked like a tent a circus would use, but it was absolutely gigantic. But in front of them, were two separate beams that had squares made from glass. The PA spoke.

"Hello, players, let me welcome you all to the fifth game. The fifth game is Glass Stepping Stones. The stepping stones before you are made from one of two types of glass. One will be tempered glass and the other will be normal glass. The tempered glass stepping stone is strong enough to hold the weight of two people. However, the normal glass will break even if just one person steps on it. For this game, you will guess which one of the next two tiles is the tile made of the stronger tempered glass, and only step on those across the 18 pairs of tile. You may then cross over to the other side safely and pass this game."

Ji-ah glanced at Sae-byeok worriedly and she sqeezed her hand for comfort.

The man who chose 01, looked to the guard and trailed off.

"That means the numbers on us..."

The guard answered for him.

"Are the order in which you will cross the bridge."

Ji-ah grimaced and Player 096 breathed shakily, he then asked the guard.

"But then, how do I tell which is the tempered one?"

The guard didn't answer back this time and Player 096 looked forwards again as he shuddered. But as he suddenly reluctantly stepped forward, the PA spoke again.

"For the game, you will have 16 minutes. Players must cross the bridge within those 16 minutes. And now, with that, let the game begin. Each player, take off your shoes and then go up to the tiles in order."

Player 096 slipped off his shoes and shakily stood on the concrete beam. The time then began counting down and he glanced at the left glass and then the right, trying to make a decision as to which one he would stand on.

And after standing there for a minute, a few players began exclaiming in irritance.

"What are you doing?"

"We're losing time!"

"Hurry up and go!"

"Just jump!"

"Are you just gonna stand there?"

Deok-su walked up to Player 096 and threatened.

"Hey, take your step now or I'll push your ass."

096 nodded and said that he'll go, but the woman who chose 02, stated.

"And please try to choose carefully."

096 then took a jump onto the left glass and it didn't break, causing him to sigh in relief. Another player instructed him and others urged him to carry on. So he jumped to the one in front of him, but screamed as the glass broke and he fell to his death. Ji-ah began to take a mental note of which glass steps are good.

Left, right.

The woman who chose number 02, Player 308 jumped to the left and then the right one before looking down and whimpering at the sight of Player 096's dead body. She breathed heavily as she looked at the next 2 options before mumbling to herself. She jumped to the left one and also screamed as she fell to her death.

Left, right, right.

Player 062 who chose 03 stood on the glass that wasn't broken and stared at the other steps. Players began egging him on, but he just stood there mumbling to himself. He then for some reason began laughing before just going for it as he jumped from glass to glass. He jumped four times and ended up falling to his death on the fourth jump.

Left, right, right, right, right, left, right.

Other players then made their way across the bridge up. The one who chose 04 was in front, but was now stuck as he had forgotten which order the previous player went since he jumped quite quick.

The people behind him were waiting for him to go, but he looked back and asked.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Do you think that you could help me? You happen to remember what he chose next? I can't seem to recall which one now."

The lady responded.

"Oh, I don't know. Uh, it happened too quickly."

He uttered back.

"Think hard, please. Since both of our lives depend on getting this next one."

Since Ji-ah was too busy focusing on trying to hold in her pee, she couldn't hear their conversation. But she did look up when she heard the sound of glass breaking. 04 fell to his death and the other players went forward and most of them died.

Now it was Sae-byeok, Ji-ah, Gi-hun and Sang-woo left who were still standing on the ground. The others were making their way across the bridge. But Gi-hun spoke up.

"There are ten tiles left, and 11 people still playing. If they manage to step on one or two each, the four of us can get across to the end."

Sang-woo inputted.

"That might not be the case, if one of those players get scared and starts to run down the time, we are in danger at the back of the line."

Ji-ah uttered out a "shit" and steadied her breathing. Gi-hun turned and looked at the clock, 10 minutes remained. Ji-ah went over in her head as she had watched the others.

Left, right, right, right, right, left, right, right.

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