[5] Chapter 5

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Alycia and I sat in an obvious uncomfortable silence. I knew I shouldn't have kissed her. But I did.

"Y/N-" the Australian begins to say but I shake my head side to side. "I know Alycia. You don't have to tell me.." I say as I keep my gaze on my lap.

"Y/N let me speak.." Alycia says, her voice soft.

I meet her gaze. Tears fill my eyes. Even the thought of our friendship being completely obliterated by a kiss and my stupid feelings tears me apart.

"Y/N..I said it shouldn't have almost happened and this..This..shouldn't have happened either." she says and I feel my heart drop. I nod slowly. "Okay." I say. My voice monotoned, my face expressionless and tears slowly left my eyes to my cheeks. Our eyes are searching each other's, looking for something. Anything.

"It's probably late Alycia. You should..go." I whisper the last part, not really wanting her to go but not wanting her to stay either.

Alycia simply nods, I guess feeling the same way. "You should be discharged tomorrow.." she says before closing the door and walking out. I turn off the lights that I can reach and can't help the silent cries that escape me. I shift a bit in my position before falling asleep.


It's the next day and I've been discharged. The police questioned me about the crash and I told them I couldn't remember much of it. I don't. I remember the tears in my eyes, speeding up a little, but I was going past a green light when I was hit. The crash wasn't necessarily my fault at all.

I called my driver to drive me home, considering my car was totaled and I don't trust myself to drive yet. Not after what happened. I don't know if I could get behind the wheel again. At least, not anytime soon.

The directors insisted I stay home for a few days but I declined. I don't want my own problems ruining everyone else's schedule.

As long as everyone kept a close eye on me for any signs I was fine to do anything. The only major injury I had was a deep gash to the head which needed to be stitched up. Considering how bad the crash was, I'm surprised I wasn't hurt worse. No one died, thankfully, and not many were hurt. The worst injury was probably a mild to major concussion.

I got out the car and walked on set. I hadn't seen many of the cast members yet, mostly because it was super early.

"Y/N, could I speak to you for a moment?" Someone calls.

I turn to see Robert. "Yes, sir?" I ask as I walk up to him. "Just to clarify, you're alright with doing that scene, possibly future scenes, and overall that type of stuff with Alycia in the future, correct?" He asks and I stay still for a moment.

My thoughts run wild at the question. Am I? Hell, is she okay with it?

Without thinking, I nod. "Y-Yeah I'm good. Is she?" I respond. "I haven't gotten a chance to ask her yet, do you mind grabbing her for me?" Robert responds and I nod.

My heart is pounding as I near Alycia's trailer. I stand there for a good 5 minutes before knocking.

It takes a good second before she opens it, but only opening it halfway. I can see a figure behind her and now my mind is running with other thoughts. Now that I think about it, she slightly sounded out of breath.

I lose my train of thought as she begins to speak. "Y/N? You're here? I thought you would've taken a few days off." She says, her voice doesn't sound normal. She was rushing to speak. I decide not to dwell too much on it. "Uh yeah..decided to come back..Robert wants to talk to you.." I say, avoiding eye contact. I see her nod and I leave. As I walk away I can hear a male voice say something along the lines of "You're lucky she didn't see me" or "You're lucky I wasn't seen".

I shake my head at the thought. Alycia doesn't want me. Not like I want her. I need to accept that.

I wait on set as everyone arrives, getting ready to start filming.


[3rd Person POV]

Alexandria and Charlie pull away from their hug. "Charlie, what the hell is going on? How do you know her?" Alicia questions.

Charlie looks back, fixing her gaze on Alicia. "Alexandria is my sister.." Charlie says, returning her gaze to Alexandria.

Alexandria looks at Alicia, Alicia's face is full of slight confusion, mostly shock. "I-" Alicia goes to say but hesitates.

[Your POV]

"Shit- I forgot my lines. My bad." Alycia says in her cute Australian accent. I couldn't help the small smile that rose on my lips, but I quickly masked it.

A few laughs are shared as we get back in position.

[3rd Person POV]

"You're her sister?" Is all Alicia can say before multiple groans and grunts are heard from behind the three.

Alexandria looks back before seeing a horde of infected. It isn't too big, at the most consisting of twenty infected. Way too many for the three to take out by themselves.

"Alicia- Please." Charlie pleads and Alicia knows what she's asking.

Charlie is asking if they can bring Alexandria with her. She nods without thinking. "RUN." She shouts and the three take off running in the opposite direction of the horde.

A few infected are in the way of them, but that doesn't stop them. At least not until Alicia is tackled by two infected.

Without hesitation, Alexandria runs to Alicia, falling onto the two infected and killing them, pushing them away from Alicia. Alexandria is laid beside Alicia as she attempts to catch her breath. "Hi there." Alexandria says and Alicia gives her a serious look. "Right." Alexandria says and gets up, pulling Alicia with her and motioning for Charlie to continue running.

[Your POV]

"Cut!" the director yells. My eyes can't help but fall onto an uncomfortable looking Alycia as a camera man walks to her. With my confusion, I walk toward the two. I did have to ask Alycia what she said about the question we had earlier, but for how uncomfortable she looked with the man heading toward her, it wasn't the only reason I walked that way.

I can hear Alycia whisper "Please, stop" and that's all it takes me to say something.

"Alycia, can we talk?" I question as I walk up and when she looks at me and our eyes meet, I can see the relief in her eyes. She nods and we walk away from the man. We walk to where no one is and once I stop and turn to her, I'm engulfed in a hug. I feel my shoulder become damp. Is she..crying?

I put my arms around her and hold her for as long as she needs it. "It's alright Leeshy.." I say as I rub small circles in her back. She continues to quietly sob.


A/N: I tried to make this chapter a little longer, as an apology for not uploading for a couple of days. I love the support you guys have given me, thank you so much! Remember to eat something and drink water. <33 ♾🖤

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