Just plain wrong

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(A/N note: this scene contains mentions of rape and abuse. If this is triggering to you I suggest you don't read this chapter or that you skip. Thank you.)

Third person POV

Apollo wasn't asleep as his older sister Y/N thought he was. Oh no he had to carry out a plan before he could even sleep tonight. You see he hated and I mean hated Y/N with a passion because she much like Hermes were permitted as the 'Golden child's seeing as they could do no wrong when there were times they did. Seeing as he had to work his ass off to even get his father's attention when it wasn't something his father could benefit from. Letting his hate build up, he organized a plan as soon as he met Persephone.

He knew Y/N had developed feelings for the Spring Goddess so he decided to assume a relationship with the girl not caring if it had to forced or not. He also had other ulterior motives but that's for another time.

Apollo made his way through a maze of rooms as he finally approached the one Persephone layed in a peaceful slumber. Knocking on the door the girl awakend as he walked in the room and closed the door behind him, the Goddess not noticing he locked it as well.

"Hey, Apollo did you need something?" She asked as she yawned and stretched the sweater Y/N had put her in riding up a bit. Apollo stared at the pink Goddess with a hungry and predatory gaze that she had yet to notice. This was his chance, his chance to get back at Y/N and his chance to have some late night fun. The disgusting bastard thought to himself.

"Yeah... you."  The Sun God said. In a flash he had Persephone pinned down to the bed with arms above her head and her legs locked between his."Wait!! What are you doing?!?!" The Goddess questioned, the fear in her voice causing something to twitch in the pants of the  dark purple God on top of her.

"What? I thought you wanted this?" The God questioned as he leaned down to speak in her ear,his hand slithered underneath the Goddesses sweatshirt." Oh, unless you would prefer that freak of a dyke to be doing this? WOULDN'T YOU!?!?!?" The God screamed at the girl beneath him. Knowing that no would hear them even with their super powers since the room had been soundproof for more lively actions to be made one's that were filled with passion and love!

Unlike what was happening now at the moment. The Goddess whimpered when Apollo raised his booming voice at her. It was like as if her body froze. Her brain was in a state of panic, multiple danger bells rand off in her head but it seemed like she was on autopilot and she could whisper what Apollo wanted hoping he would get off her and apologize saying what he had done was a drunken mistake.

But let's not forget: Drunken mistakes are sober thoughts. So this means it could have happened either way. And at the moment Apollo was completely sober so he could savor and remember what he had done with a smile on his face.

Apollo pulled out his phone sliding Persephone sweatshirt all the way up revealing her curvy and half naked body to him. The camera light flashed as Apollo looked down to see Persephone smiling with fear at where he touched.A goldish orange like color beamed through Apollo's irises and his mouth as he licked his crust, dusty,  camel-toed, gorilla lips.

"This is okay right? I'm just saving theses for later. Mini me needs to have some fun. Guaranteed with a body like yours we'll both be feeling good." Apollo asked, even though he knew he wasn't going to get a verbal response he was pleased whimpered he received as he squeezed Persephone wrists with one of hands just a little tighter.

Finally getting off her, Apollo put his phone back into his pocket and made his way back to the door." Oh and Persephone, if anyone finds out and I get blamed, these pictures will be online before you can say 'sorry'." He said before he closed the door and made his way back to his room to jack off to the pictures he had taken.

Leaving a poor traumatized Persephone in her bed alone too scared to go back to sleep for the night as her body shook with tears.


Still 3rd person POV

The next day Persephone was more than relived to see that Apollo was  gone. But to say she was angry and terrified when he came back waltzing into the house as if nothing had happened was an understatement.

Apollo had tried to persuade Persephone to get with him willingly. Saying there would consequences that involved both her and Y/N. Now, Persephone didn't really care about herself regardless of the fact that she was traumatized, but when Apollo had brought Y/N into her problems she knew it was serious.

Apollo had tried to forcefully persuade Persephone that someone was telling her lies, that she wanted him, saying how everyone wanted him even after Persephone shouted that she didn't want him, confused on why his egotistical brain couldn't understand that.

With a huff, Apollo finally left making up another plan to win the Goddess over.

Persephone eyes were glowing red with anxiousness as her heart beated wildly in her chest. Clutching at her sweatshirt that smelt like Y/N as she gasped for breathe. Finally her body fully broke down, hoping that it's owner would be okay when she woke up.


The next following days, Persephone had been ignoring all of her new friends. Eros had actually reached out physically to talk to her because he wanted to get to know her better since he didn't have her phone number. But when he even went to touch her, she had flinched, her body acting on its own accord.

Eros had asked if he could see what was bothering her. Once she had agreed, his wings glowed a bright white as tears streamed down her face.

When Eros pulled back he had tears streaming down his face as he felt like he lived Persephone pain and trauma. He had clarified that what Apollo had did was rape and what he did was wrong regardless of she said. He encouraged her to tell Y/N since she held a lot of power over Zeus's decisions and kept his influence in good faith since she was the favored firstborn.

Persephone instantly said no because of the reaction she feared she would get when she told Y/N that she "let" Someone force themselves on her. She figured she'd either be disgusting with her or angry. Mostly likely both.

(Sorry for so many times skips)
It had officially been three weeks since Persephone even contacted Y/N. She knew the Goddess had been trying to contact her but she refused to talk to her out of fear.

During that time she somehow became close with both Artemis and Eros. Which surprising since she was related to Apollo, his twin after all. Yet, she was successful in avoiding both Apollo and Y/N at the same time hoping they had forgotten about her.

Oh, how wrong was she.

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