Things about you

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Y/N powers:

Tunnel vision: gets glimpse of the future.

Touch of death( gifted to her by Hades): can kill someone with the snap of her fingers

Mind invasion: can control and read people mind.

Power of light and darkness( gifted to her by Helios and Astraios): can literally from other galaxies and planets from the stars and can create the most beautiful lifeform with the Sun's energy.

Lust of blood( gifted to her by Ares): Much like Ares she has a lust for blood but only when her anger is put of control, she usually goes on a killing spree.

Spirit of the forest(gifted to her by the wolf): gives her the power to control and talk to animals, also has a claim on the forest where she met the wolf. Since Persephone has her imprint, she is considered her mate because of that as well as the mark.

(That's all I got for now but what do you think your other powers should be? 🤔 BTW this is kind just a filler so yall will know why certain things happen and how.)

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