Chapther 2 - Runaway

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I'd lost it. "NO. NO I'M NOT GONNA, CALM. DOWN."

I glanced over at mom again who was just laying there, dead on the ground, while we were just fighting. I had to get out. So I did, I just ran. I had to before anyone got hurt.

I could hear dad yell my name as I ran but I didn't listen. The sun had already set and it was starting to rain. I decided to go to a little pond that me and my mom used to go to when I was little. My mom loved swimming, and just water in general. Kinda ironic, isn't it?

After about an hour I had calmed down a bit. So I decided to head back.

"Hello?" I yelled as I entered. Mom was gone, I don't know where they had moved her though. I looked all over the house for them but they were nowhere. I decided to look out in the backyard, when I saw my brother and my dad, already burying her. WITHOUT ME! My breathing was speeding up again, but I took a deep breath and tried to control it.

"Dad?? What are you doing?." I said, walking towards them.

"Oh! Uh, you're back! we're just burying Stella."

"Without me?." I said with a stern tone.

"I'm sorry honey, we didn't think you were gonna return.."

"YOU DIDNT-" I stopped myself and took a deep breath.

"You buried mom without me." I sighed.

"Fine, sure whatever. I'm just gonna go inside."

I couldn't believe my family. Burying my own mom WITHOUT ME. Wow..

I got to my room and just flopped onto my bed. It's funny how earlier today everything was fine! Well sort of, mom was still feeling sick, but she was alive. Everything happened so fast. It's scary.

A few days passed, I couldn't bear talking to my brother, nor my dad. Honestly, I just wanted to run away. It was just a thought at first, but the more I thought about it, the better it sounded.

So in the middle of the night, I packed some stuff, left a flower on my mom's grave and headed off. No destination, just away from there.

I had been travelling for about two days, I was running low on food. It didn't help that I was in the middle of a desert either. I was so dehydrated, and just as I thought it was the end, I heard a weird "Hur." My ears perked and I looked over to where the sound came from. I couldn't believe my eyes! A well! Finally! Water! There was a villager wearing a straw hat gathering some water in a bucket there as well. But I couldn't care less about them, right now my one goal is water.

I got to the well and scooped some water with my paws. While the person was just staring at me.

"Hello?" I asked as I wiped my mouth.

"Hur" He looked at me.

"Am.. I supposed to understand that?" I looked at him questionly

"Pardon me, i'm not too good with english" He says and sets down his bucket of water on the ledge of the well

"Oh alright then," I said as I went back to scooping water with my paws.

"You aren't supposed to drink straight from the well. Because of germs you know? here, let me show you how to do it"

He emptied his bucket and dove it in the well. Then he drank from the bucket

"Here, now you try" He said, as he gave me another bucket.

"Oh! Uh, do I just drink from the bucket?"

"Yeah,you can also dive your paw in the bucket and take the water from there" He smiled.

"Oh okay" I said and scooped some water from the bucket and took a sip.

"SO FRESH!" my eyes lit up and i took another big gulp, this time directly from the bucket. He chuckled.

"The fisherman, Feeshee, has the job to filter the water. The water here is purified ten times before getting in that well. Only the best for residents of WheatStone!"


"Yeah! It's the village I'm from! It's not too far away. Actually the local librarian, Miss Bertha, is hosting a book club this afternoon with all of the other children in town, you should go and meet them!"

"Book club?"

"Yeah! Do you want to come with me and I could introduce you?"

"I mean, sure why not. My name is Annie, but I prefer the name Spidi!"

"I'm Winston. Glad to know you! Oh and would you mind filling up a bucket and bringing it to the village?"

"Oh of course!" I chirped and grabbed a bucket and filled it with water.

After a 5 minute walk we arrived at a desert village. There was a huge tower, and a bunch of desert themed buildings. I mean, obviously, it's a desert village.

I followed Winston to a two floored house with a farm outside.

"Just set the buckets down here" He said and pointed to a spot right by a big patch of dirt filled with what looked like yellow grass. Then he took me to a small, L shaped building that I assumed was the library. He opened the door and we were greeted by an old lady who gave me a confused look.

"Whos this?"

"This is Spidi, I met her at the well! I told her about the book club you're starting" Winston explained.

"Well hello Spidi! I'm Bertha! Or Miss Bertha as the kids call me. I'm the local librarian!" She smiled at me. I just waved back.

"So you wanted to join the book club?" She asked.

"Yeah! I'm not that good at reading, but I still like reading."

"Well come take a seat then!" she said and showed me a seat.

"I don't recognize you, you're not from here are you?"

I got nervous. "Eh, no, I sorta ran away from home.."

She looked at me with a worried look. "Ran away?"

"Yeah, my mom died recently and things got a bit heated.."

"So you don't have anywhere to stay?"

"Not.. really, no"

Miss Bertha looked up at Winston who had been standing off to the side the whole time.

"How old are you?" she looked back at me.

"Oh me? I'm 8 years old." Her eyes widened.

She got up and went to a bookshelf and grabbed a book and handed it to me "Here read this, it shouldn't be too hard" She smiled and went over to Winstron.

Miss Bertha POV:

"She's so young with nowhere to stay!" I whispered, Winston just nodded.

"We can't just let her go! Can't we just keep her here for a bit?" I looked back at the young kitten sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Yeah, I think I have some room at my house. I'll take her in for a bit" Winston Said looking over at Spidi as well. 



My best friend XDadou helped me write this! So a big thanks to her! You're prolly gonna see her in the comments a lot :)

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