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Real Name: Stewart Carter Winthrop |||

My headcanons for him!:

-He is definitely related to Jonathan Crane in some way. I mean look at them. I don't know if Ghoul is Johnny's son or grandson? Nephew? Regardless, they are related biologically in some way.

-He canonically likes techno goth music, but he also likes screamo, deathstep, and witch house.

-The reason he ran away from home was that his parents were not attentive/neglectful to his emotional needs and never listened to what he had to say about anything, and the straw that broke the camel's back was when his mom slapped him on the face after arguing with her and joined the Jokerz gang to upset and rebel against her.

-He's a Wiccan/practices witchcraft, and his patron deities are Phobos (Greek god of fear) and Anansi (West African spider trickster deity. To honor/connect with these two deities, he made them both playlists and a miniature altar for both of them in a tin mint container he carries with him in his jack-o-lantern bucket.

-The first horror movie he's ever watched was the first Friday the 13th movie, and so that movie will always have a special place in his heart, but his favorite horror movie is Scream.

-He really likes the Fallout games, he loves the survival aspect and being able to explore everything, he also likes the FNAF games.

-Sometimes, he lets the Dee Dee twins Brush/braid/play with his hair, as well as let them practice their makeup skills on him. 

-Speaking of the Dee Dee twins, he sees them as his younger sisters. 

-He has a small crush on Terminal and is also intimidated by him at the same time.

-This boy goes all out for Halloween, and always puts a lot of effort into the costume, down to the smallest detail, and is very proud of it.

-He still sleeps with a stuffed animal at age of 17.

-He is incredibly awkward talking to people he has crushes on. Every rational and coherent thought just leaves his head and he cannot function. The Dee Dee twins tease him about it whenever it happens (but in a playful way, not a mean way).

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