Dee Dee Twins

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Real Name: Delia Dennis and Deirdre Dennis 

My headcanons that I have for these girls!:

-They are 'mirror-image' twins, a type of identical twin that when facing each other, will look as if they are looking into a mirror. However, the Dee Dee twins have Situs Inversus, meaning one of them has their organs situated on the opposite side of where the organs would normally be

-They were also partially raised by Pamela Isley, and to distinguish who they are talking about/to, they call Harley 'Nana' and Pamela goes by 'Granny'

-They both had/have a shared interest in True Crime, and they found out about the Joker via some very old newspapers and articles and found his crimes fascinating, and this fascination led them to join the Jokerz gang

-Both of them love Pokémon, Delia loves fairy types and Deirdre loves Psychic types

-I just got a feeling that these two have some kinda psychic link, and I don't know why

-These girls go all out for Valentine's day. They make homemade valentines for all their friends and family, and they've been doing it since they were kids

-Delia wears eye contacts, but Deirdre doesn't need to 

-They are a lot physically stronger than Ghoul and Woof, and often handle the combat while Ghoul and Woof act as distractions or do the non-combat related stuff. 

-They love to play with and brush Ghoul's hair and often practice their braiding skills on him 

-Deirdre's favorite food is funnel cake, and Delia's favorite is strawberry-chocolate ice cream

-Both of them a bisexual. Delia has a preference for girls, and Deirdre has a preference for boys.

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