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Real Name: Maxine Gibson

My headcanons for her!:

-Had to take up the unofficial role of the parent for her sister because he mom is constantly busy with her job. When she was 14, she had to not only learn how to take care of herself but also her sister, who's disabled and needed help with a lot of things that are easy for most people, like reminders to take showers, taking care of her hair, stuff like that.

-Likes pop songs from the 2000s and 2010s.  Her mom played those kinds of songs in the car while driving her and her sister to school when she was little. 

-Because she had to become self-sufficient from a young age, she sometimes has a hard time asking for help.

-Closeted bisexual. 

-While she does not necessarily enjoy math, she is quite good at it.

-One time, just to see if Terry would notice, twice a month, every month for an entire school year she would dye her hair a slightly different shade of pink till it was a very different shade from what she started with. He didn't notice, and she finally told him on the last day of school. 

-While she hates Carter for trying to kill her, she does want him to get help for the issues he has.

-After having so many encounters with villains (and Terminal's attempts on her life), she decided to take a few self-defense classes.

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