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Real Name: Ben Knox 

My headcanons I have for Bonk!:

-As a kid, he has severe sensory issues and this caused him to have meltdowns a lot

-Kinda a himbo(?)

-His hands and feet are almost always cold to the touch, but he isn't very bothered by it

-He and Chucko are cousins 

-He has dyslexia and possibly other learning disabilities, and has a hard time writing things and need help reading 

-Sometimes, the Dee Dee twins called him Benny (because his real name is Ben), and he felt indifferent to this nickname 

-Bonk has undiagnosed cyanosis, which causes the skin to be blueish due to having under-oxygenated blood, and would explain why he has such a strange skin color 

-He's secretly a big sweetheart when you get to know him well, but he just has a really hard time controlling his emotions 

-The reason he's completely bald is because he has alopecia universalis, a condition characterized by a complete of hair both on the head and the rest of the body

-Is a sinnamon roll

-Is asexual biromantic 

-He is a bull in a china shop, so to speak. Because of his height and wide frame, he is bad at being stealthy and quiet 

-His favorite band is Queen, and he listens to them when he's upset or bored

-He was always skeptical of the Joker's plans, even when he first joined the gang

-He's a kleptomaniac, and likes to steal things (both valuable and invaluable). For example, he'll steal cash, but will also steal gum, or paperclips simply because he wants to

-This man has no filter, and will tell you exactly how he thinks it is. 

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