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Real Name: Carter Wilson

My headcanons I have about him:

-Has Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria as a result of the way his mother treated him.

-Has always wanted to dress alt at school, but his mother never allowed him to.

-Is very good at playing Uno. He doesn't even like Uno.

-He has a lot of self-esteem issues he is dealing with. He acts like he is the best and super confident, but on the inside, he's truly an insecure mess.

-Is either 17 or 18 years old.

-The reason he's so good with computers is that he was given (probably unrestricted) access to the internet at a young age. He watched a lot of videos on Youtube (or a futuristic equivalent to Youtube) about how to operate different computer systems and how different devices work. 

-His mom and dad are divorced.

-He doesn't like minty things/foods, as he doesn't like how they make his mouth feel cold and hot at the same time. He still has to buy the bubblegum-flavored mouthwash that's meant for kids because Listerine makes his mouth burn. However, he can eat other spicy things, like a habanero pepper, with no issues. 

-If he isn't good at something the first time trying it (or AT MOST the second time), he's going to want to give up because of the "everything you do must be perfect" mindset instilled in him by his mother.

-Has a hard time genuinely emotionally connecting with his peers at school. He can make polite small talk, and feel sympathy when someone gets injured, but it takes a lot of energy and effort for him to make long-lasting, true friendships. Almost all of the people he hangs out with at school are more long-term acquaintances or people who just hang out with him because he's popular. 

-When he was younger he liked to play with legos.

-Once he leaves high school and gets away from his mom, it's likely he's gonna get a sh!t ton of gifted kid burnout. 

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