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The shattering of a heart when being broken is the loudest quiet.

The snow was still falling and getting piled.

Nicholas gave me his jacket. He was worried that I'd catch a cold because of my dress.

"Natasha said 'I love you'" I repeated while looking at a distance.

"What are you talking about?" he said in a worried tone.

"She finally confessed her feelings."

The thing which I was scared of happened right in front of my eyes. The words I didn't want to hear, I heard them...loud and clear.

We both were quiet for some time.

"You have a crush on Markus,right?"

"No, I don't." I lied.

"Then why is it bothering you so much that you were crying?"

"It's just that I really don't want to lose him. I mean he's a great friend and I don't want Natasha to ruin him or to ruin our friendship."

He was silent.

Then in a low voice he spoke, " Then why were you running? What was hurting you so much?"

"The sky's pretty right!" I avoided his question.

"Yes it is and the snow is beautiful too"

He probably understood that I was trying to avoid the question so he stopped asking further. We both stood there, looking at the sky and the snow.

He drove me back home. While coming back none of us spoke. The car was as silent as it was in the beginning.

After reaching home I changed into my pjs. I really wanted to distract my mind from what happened today so I started reading a book. As I was reading the book the tears started rolling down my eyes. I kept on wiping them but they were still pouring like rain.

I kept the book aside, went to the bathroom, turned on the tap and washed my face. I looked up in the mirror. My face was a mess. I told myself that I should not cry over him. I should not waste my tears over him. There are plenty of fishes in the sea. He is not the only one. I kept telling myself. My brain and heart were fighting against each other. I washed my face over and over. Again and again. I finally cooled down so I came back.

I sat by the window, looking at the snow. Suddenly I heard some noise in the driveway. I looked down and saw that Markus was dropping Natasha at her place. I kept staring at them. As I was staring, Markus suddenly turned around and I immediately sat down. Hiding from him. Hiding from his gaze. I don't really know how I will face him or how I will talk with him.

I went to sleep. Next day I woke up from the noises in my living room. Probably my mom and dad were fighting. So I went down to check on them.

"You cannot do this," my mom said to my dad.

"But it's not my fault. I cannot just go against my company"

"But it's not even been more than seven months and you are talking about moving!"

The word moving caught me.

"Moving..?" I said as I looked at them

"I'm sorry sweetheart but I got a promotion and my company wants me to transfer" my dad said.

Thinking about moving made me realise that I would no longer be able to see Markus for the rest of my life.

"When are we moving?" I asked

"Probably a few days after your birthday."

Few days after my birthday? That's too soon. I mean it was already November and my birthday was on the 15th of this month. I tried to calm myself down.

"Ok dad." and I went back to my room.

I sat on my bed and took my phone. I unlocked it and saw 3 missed calls from Nicholas and 10 text messages. He must be relly worried about me. But before giving Nicholas a call I had to tell Markus about the transfer thing . I searched for Markus' number. I found it. I really wanted to tell Markus about my transfer. That I won't be able to see him after my birthday, ever again. That I love him and won't imagine my life without him in it. I really wanted to tell him but then I kept my phone aside.

"He is probably with Natasha", I thought to myself.

I mustered up my courage and called him after all that thinking.

"Hey" I said as he picked up the phone.

"Hey" his voice was deeper. Deeper than before.

" are you doing?" I said as my heart was beating really fast.

"Oh..nothing. I was video games"

"Oh...that's great."

" you need something? I'm kinda busy playing my game."

His words shocked me. "O..noth-noth-nothing..I just...wanted to tell you something but I forgot. Sorry to disturb you."

"That's fine."

There was a pause. 

"Sorry Markus..umm...I gotta go. Bye" and I ended the call.

Tears started rolling down my eyes. I was sad. Like really sad. I really wanted Markus to know about my transfer and how much I loved him.

I wanted to tell him. Everything. Everything that I was feeling about him. Every single thing about my feelings for him.

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