"Gen?" A soft voice asks as the knocking stopped. I slowly turn my head to see Imogen poking her head through.
"What's up?" I ask her picking up my cup of coffee.
"I'm worried about you." She expresses entering my room and looking around it. It was messy, messier than usual that's for sure. Midterms and exams always have me acting like this, hold up in my room, drinking loads of coffee and cherry coke, and not eating anything. It's dangerous especially considering my eating disorder.
"I'm not," I scoff at my friend. She rolls her eyes.
"I don't know why you are stressing, you are going to ace the exam tomorrow. Let's go get something to eat at the bar, no drinks I promise." She raises her hands defensively.
I sigh and glance over my bed, "you need to eat Gen, you know I won't let you fall in a hole again." She sighs rocking on her feet. I sigh and nod.
"Fine, only because my body is aching."
"That's because you haven't eaten, or I haven't seen you eat in two days," she gives me a pointed look and I sigh with a nod. If I wasn't already used to not eating for two days I would surely be in the hospital, the joy of it all.
Neither of us bother changing, both in respectful and comfortable leggings and hoodies. We did however throw on winter jackets, it's colder now that Thanksgiving is near. Kyle's pub or bar is a local for UPenn, you either come here to drink, get drunk, and cry or for some good food that's affordable for students with heavy tuition so I'm not surprised when I see loads of students sitting around the bar.
"Door beef girl!" A familiar voice yells, Imogen and I both turn our heads stopping just in front of the bar. I see the familiar friend group seated around a table, with food of course.
"Door beef girl?" Imogen asks me completely confused as I guide her towards them.
"I'm a girl who has trouble with doors," I shrug at her and she nods.
"Hey," I put on a wide smile, "this is my friend and roommate Imogen." I introduce them as I take a seat beside Sebastian, who actually doesn't roll his eyes and I smile. The boys are right at ease with Imogen as Sebastian and I indulge in another staring eye contest as I begin to shrug out of my jacket.
"Have you eaten?" He suddenly asks me, I stop moving as his gaze slowly eats me up. I try not to shift in my chair. It worried me at the party that Sebastian made me eat that pop tart and it worries me even more that he may have silent suspicions about my disorder, not many people do but then again not many people actually take the time to care. If Sebastian knows or is assuming, he doesn't tell anyone not even me.
"She hasn't eaten all day, it's why we're here," Imogen says. "She always forgets during midterm and exam season."
Sebastian doesn't look at Imogen as she explains my lack of eating, instead, his eyes stare deep into mine and I can't seem to look away. I know he's trying to intimate me with his stare but I can never look away, he just draws me in, like some beautiful beach water you would see on travel websites or Pinterest.
He doesn't say anything but slides his plate, with half a Turkey sandwich and French fries over to me and I allow my jacket to hang off the back of my chair. I smile at Sebastian and I know he watches me as I pick up a fry and bite into it. I slide the plate between us turning the fries portion of the plate to him silently telling him we'll share. He finally moves his gaze off of me and I turn to the boys.
"How are your midterms going?" I ask them, knowing very well they are also in hard programs. They whine and complain to both Imogen and me and I can't contain my laughter, especially not around them.

Locked Eyes
ChickLit{completed} They say opposites attract, the good girl + the bad boy. The grumpy + sunshine. She's intrigued by his eyes, maybe it's because they share the same colour of eyes or it's because the way their eyes lock and they can't seem to look away...