27. Sebastian

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"Do you have to leave this early?" Genevieve whines. I smirk as I exit my bathroom running a towel through my damp hair.

"I do, I've got something to do with Rhett, I'll be back though," I tell her throwing the towel into my hamper in the closet. Genevieve's eyes slowly soak me in, I'm in a T-shirt and jeans but I won't stop her from looking at me like that.

Her eyes lock with mine and I raise a brow "is it really important?" She asks. I laugh, actually laugh. She's sitting in the middle of my bed, under my sheets, and in one of my hoodies.

"It is, unfortunately for your benefit," I shrug and grab my wallet walking over to her.

"Boo," she whines adjusting the collar of her hoodie and I spot the new hickey I had given her from last night. "I'll see you tonight?" She asks as I pocket my phone.

"Yeah, I'll pick you up," I nod as I lay my hands on the comforter and lean closer to her.

"Have a good super-secret meeting," She pouts as I grasp her chin with two fingers.

"If your good enough maybe, just maybe I'll let you be on top tonight," I whisper in her ear and despite her small shiver she scoffs.

"Highly unlikely," she says and I pull back to see her smiling "have fun with Rhett," she says leaning forward and kissing me. I highly doubt I'll have fun with Rhett talking about to him and his lawyer but she doesn't have to know that.

"Have fun in bed!" I call out to her as I pull open my door, I get a murmured I will before I close the door behind me again. The apartment is shockingly quiet for a Saturday morning but with both Iris and Rhett at the office, Penny is still asleep.

"Does Mr. O'Connor know you are coming up?" The lobby receptionist asks me, I hold in my sigh and nod. "You can go up," she gives me a tight smile.

I don't blame her because it's almost rare that either Penny or I show up to Rhett's work, if anything I've only been here twice, this is my third time. Rhett's large double glass office doors are open and I stroll down the hallway, since it is Saturday the offices are empty. My brother sits at the front of his desk, his ankle perched on his knee, fingers twined and on his stomach as he smiles at Iris who is sitting in his usual seat behind the desk, hand on her stomach as she rambled on probably something baby related.

"So we know who wears the pants in this relationship," I say grabbing their attention.

"Ahh my brother," Rhett says and tips his head. I enter his office, he's gotten a new couch since.

"I didn't expect to see you, Iris, I'm surprised Rhett is allowing you to come to work on a Saturday," I say as I pick one of his pens and click it.

"I'm not here on work business, moral support," Iris smiles as I drop the pen back into the holder and fall into the empty seat beside Rhett.

"Or so we're going to need fucking moral support?" I question my brother and he shrugs.

"Was Penny awake when you left?" He asks me, changing the topic.

"No, just me and Genevieve," I tell him and he hums. I flip him off and he chuckles. An intercom buzzes, telling us Rhett has another visitor coming. He excuses himself to go collect his lawyer.

"I wanted to thank you, Sebastian," Iris begins, I look up at her and tilt my head. "For what you're doing, signing. You don't have to,"

"I want to Iris," I interrupt her. "I know I don't have to but I want to because you guys are family," I tell her and I watch her smile and I hood to god she doesn't start tearing up on me "plus I fucking hate Evelyn."

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