14. Sebastian

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Dad had somehow found out about Genevieve coming to Penny's birthday and somehow we're seated at our childhood mansion for our weekly dinner. I am as stiff as a fucking board and the tie around my neck is way too tight, I blame Rhett. He's been on edge ever since the whole suing process. Thankfully that controversy had been long over within the media but not within our family, the fire still runs thick. I glance across the table to Penny who was slowly filling up a dinner roll with mashed potatoes, she loves that.

I eye Genevieve who sits beside me pushing her peas around "well then," Dad smiles into his glass of whiskey. "You three have plans for spring break?" He asks.

My grip tightens on my fork, "course not," Penny responds eyeing me. "Seb is going down to Maryland and I'm in New York."

"Right, have you gotten a chance to meet with that therapist?" He asks.

"Dad," Rhett says in a harsh tone.

"I like my therapist."

"She's a bore, she knows nothing."

"Dad, not today," Rhett sighs as I lower my fork, before I could say anything Genevieve quickly covers my fists with her own and she easily slips her hand through mine. Before dad could open his mouth, the doorbell rings.

No one stands to collect the door because the echoing sounds of the housemaid moving towards the front door tells us we don't need to get the door. Dad stands anyways though and turns to the bar cart in the corner of the dining room.

"My hand needs circulation," Genevieve whispers to me, I immediately loosen my hand and she wiggles her hand in a joking matter.

"A human body needs food," I tell her as I watch dad pour a glass.

She gives me a tight-lipped smile and shakes her head, her curls falling over her shoulders "not mine, not the way it's been living for years," she whispers.

"Children!" A voice exclaims, we all turn around to see Mom shrugging out of her coat.

"Mom?" I ask shocked.

"Well don't just sit there," she rolls her eyes "Come collect a hug, you two Rhett," she says handing her coat to the maid. Penny and Rhett stand up slowly as I stand up almost robotically, if mom's in town especially in this house there's something wrong.

I stand up, pulling Genevieve up with me as we crowd Mom at the threshold. Rhett glances at me as he awkwardly pats her back, he gives a huge What the fuck look. Mom pulls away from me and her gaze moves to Genevieve "and who's this?" She smiles, megawatt that's for sure.

Genevieve squeezes my hand, "Genevieve Mitchell, I'm a friend of Penny and Sebastian's," Genevieve smiles stepping up to my side and shaking mom's hand. Mom glances down at our hands and smiles.

"Lovely," She greets warmly.

"Mary, what are you doing here?" Dad asks back seat in his seat but leaning back like a fucking king. We all settle back into our seats and mom takes the vacant chair at the other head of the dining table.

"I can't visit my family?" Mom tilts her head and gives a quick thanks to the maid for putting down a plate of dinner.

"Certainly not when we're divorced," Dad scoffs, Mom rolls her eyes and turns to Penny asking her about school. Everyone could feel Dad's heated gaze and I adjust my tie from the intense gaze.

"I need some air," I say picking up the napkin on my lap.

"Bash," Rhett begins as I push my chair back and my hand disconnects with Genevieve's, who's watching me intensely.

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