31. Sebastian

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"I didn't expect you to be here," A rough voice says. I blink away from the wooden desk in front of me.

"I didn't expect you to be up," I sigh and slouch further into the leather seat. "Or you know at the office."

"Work has to be done, here to enjoy your new office?" Dad asks putting a folder on the desk.

"No," I scoff. "I'm thinking about how I might kill myself behind the damn desk."

Dad leans back on his desk, crossing his ankles and arms "I'm alive aren't I?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Go home dad, I thought you said you were working from home."

"And I thought you had class," he raises a brow. We're so fucking stubborn it's like staring in a fucking mirror. "Why did you do it?" He asks me.

"Do what?" I ask.

"Sign, you fucking hated the idea of sitting behind that desk, wearing a suit and tie, this office. Why did you do? You could be happy in Maryland."

"Like I said I looked at the stocks and shit."

"Don't be a fucking asshole."

"I don't have to tell you all my reasons, aren't you happy?" I raise a brow standing up, I sigh and step in front of him. "You should be glad Dad, this is what you wanted."

"I always know you'll fucking hate it."

"And you'll probably be dead by the time I have to complain about it," I cross my arms.

"So that's it then? Because I'll be dead?"

"No," I roll my eyes. "It's what you've been doing for grandma and grandad, that's why I signed."

I had found out that dad is helping the vet clinic, grandad volunteers, and does group counseling with military vets, even though grandad was an engineer for the military, he had family in the military so he's very invested in them. Dad also helps fund the school grandma was principal at before she retired, it's a low-budget school around that area.

"Considering I'm about to have all this fucking cash, might as well put it to good use," I shrug.

"So I'm guessing you're giving away your kid's safety nets huh? Since your so over the idea of kids."

I sigh and slip my hands into the front pocket of my jeans "or have you somehow gotten a new vision of what life with a wife and kids look like?" He asks and I know he's talking about Genevieve. "She's pretty I'll give you that but so was your mother and one day you'll be bored."

"Fuck this," I laugh and walk towards the door.

"It's who we are Sebastian, might as well embrace it."

"No," I turn back around curling my hand around the door handle. "It's not who we are, it's who you are. You got bored of mom, you used her and you used us. If I choose to marry it will be because I love her and I'll never get bored of her, I promise you that," I point at him. Dad turns and lowers himself into his chair and gives me the tiniest smirk. "I will never be you."

"I hope you have a nice ring for your girlfriend."

"Yeah and I'll give her a better life than you did for mom, and I'll give my kids a better life and be a better father," I tell him before ripping open the door and walking out, letting the door close behind me.

I'm fuming when I walk out of the office and slide myself into my car, I've successfully pulled out of the parking garage when my phone rings, I sigh and answer it placing it on my lap "Rhett if that's you, kindly fuck off please," I say angry.

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