[Chapter Thirty-Five]

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Og- October, 12, 2021
Rewritten- October, 1, 2022
Posted- October, 25, 2022

The loud beeping of Goh's alarm, for once, went unnoticed as both boys were out cold.

It was only when Pikachu had gotten annoyed with the repetitive beeping and somehow managed to turn off the alarm, did it stop.

When the professors woke up, they were a combination of concerned and confused on why the two boys weren't up or on the couch cuddling.

Yeah, they'd already gotten used to it.

"How about you check on them while I feed Lei?" Kukui suggested with a smile.

"Sounds good." Burnett agreed, already walking to the two boy's room.

She knocked on the door as she opened it.

"Ah so that's what happened." Burnett chuckled and took a picture of the two before backing out of the room, shutting the door.

"So what happened?" Kukui asked, hearing the soft footsteps of his wife.

Burnett smiled and happily hugged her husband from behind and held her phone up with the picture.

Goh and Ash were clung to eachother, legs tangled together and arms lying limp around the other.

Ash had his head pressed to Gohs chest.

"That's a shocker." Kukui stated sarcastically, rubbing Burnett's arm.

"You'd think they've been dating for years from the way they act." Burnett hummed, pressing her head to Kukui's shoulder blade.

Kukui nodded in agreement.

A few moments later, Goh tiredly stumbled out of the room followed by an even more tired Ash.

"Morning sleepyheads!" Kukui greeted, turning his attention to them.

"Buenos días... Arceus, estoy tan cansada... (Good morning... Arceus I'm so tired...)" Goh yawned, a slight hint of annoyance to his tone.

Ash leaned into Goh, eyes closed again, and muttered a slurred "Morning.."

The married professors looked to the two boys in worry.

Burnett let go of her husband and walked over to the boys, "Are you two alright? Did you not sleep well?"

Goh nodded and gave a quiet "Sí.." Followed by another yawn.

Ash shrugged slightly, most of his body weight being leant into his boyfriends side.


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