Meeting the parent

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The elevator doors opened up to a big room. At the center was a thorn which was facing away from the elevator they came up in. In the corner of the room was a hanging bird cage, where little Thursday sat in curled up. Everyone rushed forward as the thorne turned around like one of the judge chairs on The Voice. In the throne sat a cloaked figure, very large. The figure stood up.

"We are here for Thursday!" Chad Chad shouted.

"Let him go, you!" Draco exclaimed

The figure sighed and looked to Thursday in the caeg. "I did not ask for my son to be put in a cage. I had to hire a very skilled spy to find him, they had just returned with him. Think of it as a carrying case."

"How can you be Thursday's dad? I am the creator. Well, one of them. I handswed him." Strange said.

"Mom! Watch out!" Thursday cried

Strange was hit in the back of the head with a loud BONK. She looked up to see Cindy standing over here. Everyone else looked just as shocked.

"Cindy, how could you?" Abby cried out.

Cindy laughed and walked towards the cloaked figure. "I am sorry to trick you all like this. But I needed to lure you all here as witnesses. You see."

Cindy tore off the figure's cloak revealing none another than famous West Virginain cryptid Mothman!?

"Now I'm really fuckong confused." Strange said being helped out.

"I kidnapped Thursday in order to return him to his true father and in order to impress my man. I needed Abby to officiate. Others here to witness and of course we need guests." Cindy explained smiling.

"This whole thing was because you're getting married?" Strange asked. "Couldn't you have just sent out invites like a normal person?:

"Nope. Besides this required dimension travel and villains are hotter anyways." Cindy explained.

"Since we're here, I guess we should marry the two of you. Under one condition." Abby said looking to Cindy

"Which is?" Cindy asked

"You marry Strange and I after."


And so Cindy and Mothman were wed by Abby and Thursday was let down from the birdcage and everyone cheered as if this whole stupid thing did not just happen. Then, it was Strange and Abby's turn. The two of them stoo in front of the throne and held hands. Cindy stood between them.

"Alright, Strange Darkness Dementia Raven Way Aeons. Do you take Abby Is Really Pretty Classic as your lovely partner yada yada yada."

"I guess I do?" Strange said

"Good enough, and Abby Classic do you take the Canadian treasure known as Strange as your partner yayda yada."

"Of course I do!" Abby beamed brightly


The few guests shrugged, but no one vocalized. And so the two women kissed and the other few guests cheered on. Abby and Strange ran down the aisle and towards the elevator they had gone up in.

"So whose dimension are we staying in?" Abby asked as the doors shut

"If your dimension is as weird as this, I'd rather go home." Strange said

"Actually, instead. I think I know the perfect place." Abby said and pressed a button.

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