Chapter Thirty Two

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I finally called Shelly on Friday.

"Anaya!" She cheered as she fixed her webcam. "I have to show you around the house!"

Shelly picked up her camera, with the view shaking as she stood up. She faced it into the rooms, and I found myself gazing at a lot of empty space. Some sofas and chairs were set up, but there were still a lot of boxes.

"Wow, looks great!" I said enthusiastically as she showed me a bright yellow kitchen. "So are you settling in okay?"

"Yeah, we're still unpacking a lot of things. We've gone grocery shopping and all that. The town is great! It's one of those cute little small towns," Shelly answered as she turned the camera towards herself.

"Well that sounds awesome," I responded with a slight laugh.

Shelly nodded vigorously, causing the camera to shake. "It's great! I've met some of our neighbors, and everyone is super nice here. Our next door neighbors came over. They have a family: it's a couple with a little boy. He's about three, and so adorable. They brought some cookies, apologizing that half of them were gone. They said their son, Andrew, ate them all. Isn't that so cute?" She gushed.

"Yeah, you'll have to send me pictures or something," I tried to sound supportive, but I felt a small pang in my chest that everything was going so amazing in her new home.

"You should come down sometime! I miss you," she said without hesitation.

"Yeah, I miss you too," I choked out. Shelly was always the better one with emotions.

"Are you doing okay?" Shelly questioned, looking closer to the screen as if trying to examine my face, though her face was getting cut off.

I sighed in response. "I just miss you."

"Aww, Anaya, everything will be great, I promise. Plus you have Daniel now too; he can help take care of you! In more ways than one," Shelly winked, making me blush bright red.

"Sheila!" I shouted out.

"What?" She asked innocently, grinning at me.

I went to say something, but stopped. 'In a way, I kind of do want him to 'take care of me'...' I thought.

When I didn't respond, Shelly gasped.

"What?" I asked her.

"No way!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Daniel?"

"I'm still not following," I tilted my head in confusion, staring at the screen as if Shelly's eyes held all the answers.

"You and Daniel, y'know, finally did it?"

"OH! Sheila! We haven't, y'know."

"It's been a year and a half; I'm surprised you haven't jumped the man already. He is fine!"

"Lia, should I be concerned?" Jack asked as his amused face came into view behind his wife.

"No..." Shelly said, drawing out the word and making it sound like she added a question to the end.

Jack just laughed and shook his head. "Hey, Anaya! Nice to see you. I'm going to go; you girls have fun gossiping!"

"Hey! Bye!" I said, waving at the camera. Jack chuckled and left.

"So, have you and Jack thought about kids?" I asked Shelly quickly before she could go back to our previous topic.

"Yeah, once we get settled in, we're going to start trying. The house is already mostly baby proof. We'll need to add gates and all that, but the major thing we need to do is unpack," Shelly sighed, probably at the thought of unpacking the numerous boxes. I helped her pack and saw the moving truck; there was a lot of stuff!

Ace of Hearts - All We Are Series [NaNoWriMo 2014] [#JustWriteIt]Where stories live. Discover now